
Showing posts from April, 2015

WREN story ~~2015 EDITION

It's been a drama-filled few weeks...we've been seeing lots of activity @ the birdhouse! First ~ CHICKADEES   checked it out "for rent". Saw them come and go, for quite some time. Then, activity stopped. We have no clue ~~if babies were born and they left, or, If any babies ever happened. We were not a witness this year. {blog 7/4/2014 ^there were pics of 3 babies, leaving the nest}. Second ~TITMOUSE   became interested in the "rental". Saw them coming/going for only a few days. It was over. Third ~ Now. WREN  showed up to renew their "rental space"!! Spotted them, going in/out, removing materials already inside!! Still, they're working and still not finished, we think......  ..headed inside  ..checking outside ? ..Materials dangling!!  ..CAUGHT removing materials  ..whose out there? ..checking before flying away This lil birdhouse has brought so much Drama! We're now waiting to see ~ what happens next ! {hey, and i...

ISOLATION sucks !!

The days that passed w/o Facebook and Friends....a really overwhelming torture ! We lost TV and Internet completely upon arising Sun. (12th) morning. DEAD --nada. It wasn't until Wed.{after too many calls!} I found out the truth.!! AT&T gave out no acceptable info....ref the "outage". A call to "our" tech revealed the truth....a drunk driver had hit the "station box" and destroyed it! {I had seen the damage, but knew nothing of what happened}So, EVERYthing had to be "replaced" and restored from ground up! {trucks were still "working" on it yesterday} No idea how long the reconstruction will take them.!! I tripped on down to Comcast Wed. morning, signed Up with them....had installation on Thurs. So there. Lamar has his TV, I've got my Net back.....smiles all around here. LOL People, let me assure you --with NO communication "tools", it's a very lonely place! I'm not easily depressed...but I was in that...