WREN story ~~2015 EDITION

It's been a drama-filled few weeks...we've been seeing lots of activity @ the birdhouse!
First ~ CHICKADEES   checked it out "for rent". Saw them come and go, for quite some time. Then, activity stopped. We have no clue ~~if babies were born and they left, or, If any babies ever happened. We were not a witness this year. {blog 7/4/2014 ^there were pics of 3 babies, leaving the nest}.
Second ~TITMOUSE   became interested in the "rental". Saw them coming/going for only a few days. It was over.
Third ~ Now. WREN  showed up to renew their "rental space"!! Spotted them, going in/out, removing materials already inside!! Still, they're working and still not finished, we think......
 ..headed inside
 ..checking outside ?
..Materials dangling!!
 ..CAUGHT removing materials
 ..whose out there?
..checking before flying away

This lil birdhouse has brought so much Drama! We're now waiting to see ~ what happens next !
{hey, and it's Free entertainment...LOL }


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