SURPRISES day ....

Today held Surprises, for Kammie and GRANDpa!
It was a gOOd day for them....
This morning, delivered Lamar to the Dr. ofc., then Kammie went w/me to "pay bills" and such mess! I nevah told her ahead of time ~I was stopping by, to see Marc,  briefly. She was totally Surprised, and Happy --even tho it was soooo brief! {his "big" boss was on site, and he was actually working!!} LOL
Then, GRANDpa knew Brittni was coming over to visit. I didn't tell him ~ it was all about Father's Day, a wittle early. Lamar was tickled to see Brittni....and, she brought Sweets!!! Yep.
Chocolate Cookie ~{he said it's EXcellent} LOL
 the MOST precious, Funny card  {+gift card}
LUV  the INside part of it!
So...there's GRANDpa's Surprise.
Kammie said, 2 Surprises in one day!! She got to see Brittni....

...and ofcourse, GRANDpa was Happy ~
It was a very  gOOd  day!!
{Always heartwarming ~ to see LOVE in action}!
