The "Other" Patrick....

As you can see, I bought this book on sale...wanted to read it, but not pay full price! Upon purchase of any book,mag,or news article you read, there are certain expectations you go forward feeling will be there...NOT the case with this book. Felt this would be a sad book about Patrick's struggle with cancer. It is totally not that...turned into a fascinating read of his youth days,acting & dancing career....but then there's the new info on his life. If you didn't like Patrick, you won't enjoy the book as I did. I learned what an extremely talented human being he was--other than the dance&acting. Patrick was gifted in many more areas--skateboarding,track & gymnastics,sang & wrote songs,martial arts & his list goes on.... There are many FUNNY stories throughout the book, Patrick also was somewhat of a prankster, too. 2 stories where he "cheated death". Only a hint of the cancer at the end of the book. It is definitely a book "all a...