WOODPECKER Observation ...
Watched this guy, and his routine.....'bout 10min. this morning. Even @ 30degrees, gotta do that! I have observed that birds have a "routine", and if you watch, you can predict their next "move". Example is --the hundreds of grey/green Finches that have swarmed us recently. You hear them (they are very noisy!), and see them in the tippy-top of our tallest trees. Then, they drop down a ways, drop into the bushy trees, and, fall like flies, onto the ground to eat! It's a fun process to watch! Woody also has a routine.....he, for some reason, likes the green caged feeder comes in... sticks head in...to get seeds head, all the way in ! even, hangs sideways! goes to 1 of 2 trees.... crackin 'dem seeds ! on skinny tree..crackin seed back again.....seed in beak Woody is a fine specimen. I enjoyed watching him have his breakfast/lunch........