'LIL RED......
Buying groceries {w/my physical limitations!} is quite difficult, at best! Well....you know how it's done! These days, it would take me All day, to complete the cycle-- from store, to storage. Then...."It" came into my life -- I just pull 'em outta the trunk, throw 'em into Lil Red, and ...UP the ramp we go! Then...Lil Red takes them right to the counter or frig, for placement. Simple Simon!!! Less stress/Pain with my neck, shoulders, legs and arms. wOw. THANK YOU....x1000 to Donnie & Pam for this suggestion. {they use one for ball trippin} But. ....as Miranda sang ~ you can't ride in my little Red Wagon!! LOL {Lesson learned today --careful on the "heavies", think I overstuffed on 1 load!!! Know now.}