35 CELEBRATION month....

Jan. 3rd was our anniversary ~ 35yrs. now. Sometimes...seems like yesterday, then other days, --like foEver.!!!!! Either way, I'm Happy and Thankful, for our time as a couple. I wanted to "celebrate" our together time. This month, I've pulled every pic I can find....of us together.!! They became my Profile pic.... THANK YOU, everyone ~ for your sweet, loving remarks. Y'all have given such support, to us as a couple. I felt the Love. Every pic chosen, holds Memories, of our lives together. They took me "back" to those moments, and I have enjoyed the trip! So....it is done. It was FUN!, time to move along.... Leaving a few of my Most fav pics here.... ..and so it begins ..BEfore the rings .. ..silly time! Thank you, GOD, for planting me & the boys --where we were free to bloom and grow.!