HANDwritten Mistake!!
I'm very puzzled!! Today I received a HANDwritten letter from a Bapt. church in Water Valley, Miss. YES, Miss!! It was a very sweet letter of sympathy for the "recent" loss of my mother...UGH Most of you reading know Mama passed away in '03, not this yr. Fact#2 The dang letter was addressed to me, including CORRECT add., and used my 1st name!! It was mailed Apr. 25th. After reading it, I'm wonderin: HOW the heck did they get MY name & CORRECT add???? It dang right scarey!! I researched. There really IS a pastor&church by that name, in that city. They have a "live" feed of their church services thru something called UPSTREAM.... Now....I quickly drafted & am mailing a letter to them tomorrow. Whomever was to get this letter, somebody's wires got crossed??? There seems to be no plausible explanation that I can determine. I applaud their "outreach" program, but all the way to Ga. to get patrons? And, YES, I was very discr...