
Showing posts from April, 2011

HANDwritten Mistake!!

I'm very puzzled!! Today I received a HANDwritten letter from a Bapt. church in Water Valley, Miss. YES, Miss!! It was a very sweet letter of sympathy for the "recent" loss of my mother...UGH  Most of you reading know Mama passed away in '03, not this yr. Fact#2  The dang letter was addressed to me, including CORRECT add., and used my 1st name!! It was mailed Apr. 25th. After reading it, I'm wonderin: HOW the heck did they get MY name & CORRECT add???? It dang right scarey!! I researched. There really IS a pastor&church by that name, in that city. They have a "live" feed of their church services thru something called UPSTREAM.... Now....I quickly drafted & am mailing a letter to them tomorrow. Whomever was to get this letter, somebody's wires got crossed??? There seems to be no plausible explanation that I can determine. I applaud their "outreach" program, but all the way to Ga. to get patrons? And, YES, I was very discr...

Froggy Hunt!

We sit on the porch a lot...the last couple of days we kept hearing this "strange" noise..was it a bird, rain frog?? About 11:30am today, I finally figured out it had to be a "rain" frog...kept keen ears and determined location to be around table where water hose is stored. Wowser! Went out, lifted top on storage bin and waaaallllahh! I saw him! The tiniest, gray frog sittin on top of our water hose! He was toooo cute, so I just had to make him "famous"!!!   LOL Don't know what's next---he disappeared once he was "found" and "famous" --hahahaha   Oh well, he was so cute & now we solved the froggy noise.....nature is just so much FUN. Don't you agree?? 

2, for Easter!!

Moving on this property back in the 80s, we always saw rabbits, before houses went across the road. In the years since, we saw only 1 lonely rabbit.... Today is Easter. How appropriate that this mornin we now see 2!! Obviously, a male&female--he was following very closely & "sniffing" out the new babe!! The pix are poor, as they are so far from my range on the zoom. But, you can clearly count to TWO!! How neat they showed up today--Easter. That means we may be having some baby bunnies to run around soon!!! So, there was 1, now there are 2----just as nature intends. How awesome---and the sighting came on Easter. Don't you just LUV surprises!!!!!!!!!!!          

Wall Art

Always have loved "words" as personal expression. I had a lucky day!! Found these @ TJ Maxx, less than 1/2 normal prices in all other stores!! Ofcourse, I scooped them into my hands quickly!! I love these....they are the "mirrored" ones & BELIEVE always come forth the darkest in certain angles.... I'm very happy to profess to all who see---I DO Believe, Dream & Imagine....doesn't everyone? Good bargain hunting all---I found mine!!!


AT&T Magazine spring 2011 Picture #6 is a phone tree..YES! rural areas techs will literally BUILD a tree w/artificial bark & branches of varying lengths that blend in completely.On the West Coast,crews build stealth Palm trees that are usually 40ft. tall,though in the South and East, "pine trees" grow to almost 200ft.... #7 shows...Church steeples provide convenient edifices on which to nest transmitters.The tall structures allow for superior coverage in small towns and rural areas...... Interesting, innovative and FUNNY, too!! This is new ways AT&T is providing maximum coverage--with minimal visual pollution.   by  Matt Hendrickson This was way toooo funny not to pass on...........Whatcha think?  0_0 Guess we need to take a closer look @ our pine trees......LOL

Good Food Accident!

Lightbulb moment! Throwing together some supper -- decided to cook elbow macaroni. Then, poof, decided to use pasta sauce on it, just to add flavor & be different. Amazing -- it tastes to me like CiCi's!! I just LUV their pasta&sauce. This simply is: Hunt's MUSHROOM pasta sauce. I am a HAPPY mama--now I can make my own.....LOL

Bittersweet Memories

2003, need a dress for a funeral...UGH! Worst of all, the funeral was for my dear, sweet Mama. Details of the "call" and what proceeded after are still very clear. I was lucky to find this pretty dress. The "over"-jacket really made the dress more appealing to me. At the time, it fit very well. The 2nd pix shows the dress as "wispy" and light. This yr., 2011, I wanted to use it again. Much to my dismay---it no longer fit well!! I was truly disappointed because I LUV this dress..... I've begun the last few yrs. trying to "pare" down belongings--especially those I don't/can't use. My bittersweet decision is to allow my "special" dress go to a new home. It is still in excellent condition because I kept it in a dress bag. I've had a difficult time "letting go" of this dress. Emotionally I want to keep it, but in reality, I know that is not an option. So, I took the pix so I can keep the memory and let go of th...

What the Eyes see...

Using a camera can sometimes bring interesting results.... What something appears to be can often be quite wrong if taken "out of context". It appears that Josh is "attacking" his brother....NOT at all. It is even a funny little story.... Conversation was that his brother had his shirt on wrong!! Brother denied that, so Josh reached over & showed him it was, in fact, on wrong!!! So, I caught a moment that looks altogether different than what the eyes see...if no other info is available to make a judgment. How neat!! I just love taking pictures....

Fish & Family

Today we enjoyed fish & hushpuppies prepared by Lamar. The food was soooo good. It's the family being together that made the mere cookin/servin of food so much more enjoyable. We can't seem to "gather" us all @ one time often enough!! So, when it does come together--the enjoyment of sharing a meal, laughter, love, children is off the "life's best moments" meter!! Memories are made of these little "gatherings". The moments pass all too quickly and each family goes back to their own busy lives. It was a very GOOD day.... I'm looking forward to the next time we can all be in the same location and near enough to get HUGS! The hugs are essential for my survival.... Ol me in this group has many titles: Mama, GrandMa, Aunt, Sister---and wife to the best fish cooker we have ever known---Lamar. Today was a blessing and I count it @ the top of my list of "most enjoyable"......

Yard Stuff

Remember these "whispies"...when I was young(STOP laughing!!), I would spend time blowing these things just to watch the little "whispies" fly off & into the air. Fun was cheap back then....LOL These little purple wild flowers were bunched up all over the front yard. The heavy rains we've had really made them abundant...They're cute, but gone now....The grass got cut today.I know they'll be back soon... Like I said, entertainment is everywhere---even in my yard...LOL