Today, I got to see these Majestic, beautiful horses.!! Bud is only a couple of miles from our house, so I did not want to miss this. Miss Vickie and I meandered on over there for the showing. There were 2 beautiful moments I was able to "catch".. Dalmation - leaned over, nuzzled the driver for some Love!! He did "pet" him briefly.... This beautiful one, turned, looked right @ me !! (such sweet eyes) It was such an enjoyable experience.{Gloria Price and I had seen a couple, a long distance away -in a pasture- @ Busch Gardens in Virginia.} Today was so much more! I've always been fascinated by the hair on the hooves... Dalmation....picture perfect ! BOWS in their tails! {see how "slick" they look!} Harness was very complicated...Roses threaded in there stretched out... Hey! it was Windy! LOL In person, close enough to touch....A.Ma.Zing memory!