
Showing posts from March, 2015


Today, I got to see these Majestic, beautiful horses.!! Bud is only a couple of miles from our house, so I did not want to miss this. Miss Vickie and I meandered on over there for the showing. There were 2 beautiful moments I was able to "catch"..  Dalmation - leaned over, nuzzled the driver for some Love!! He did "pet" him briefly.... This beautiful one, turned, looked right @ me !! (such sweet eyes) It was such an enjoyable experience.{Gloria Price and I had seen a couple, a long distance away -in a pasture- @ Busch Gardens in Virginia.} Today was so much more!  I've always been fascinated by the hair on the hooves...  Dalmation....picture perfect !  BOWS  in their tails! {see how "slick" they look!}  Harness was very complicated...Roses threaded in there  stretched out... Hey! it was Windy!  LOL In person, close enough to touch....A.Ma.Zing memory!


Got to get this out..... This past week has been an emotional roller coaster, physically exhausting and painful to my bod! It's been a very long time, since I've experienced a week like this one! SNOW, Ice, Freezing weather keeps me INside the house ~Strike 1. Lamar Fell in the snow, twisted his knee, and has been pretty much "down". He's getting better ~Strike 2. {when Lamar's "down", EVERYthing falls on me.} Lamar is so very much help, and does so much around here. I'm constantly thanking him for his part, it does take 2.!! ARIEL, began having Seizures. It breaks my heart....she's been so sick ~not eat, drink, potty. I've 'bout lost my mind!  Strike 3 I keep reminding myself -- I  Know that is Truth. I have prayed, called His name, and it is beginning to "let up" ~~quite a lot.  THANK you, Jesus.  I could NOT have made it thru this week --without His grace and mercy. The other amazing part of this impending rec...