...A Necessary EVIL!!
HATE - dislike intensely,be sick of,loathe,feel malice to,object to & look on contemptuously. That's the emotions this pix evokes within me!!!!!!!!!! Necessary evil - Cambridge dictionary (British English) states ...something you do not like doing but which you know must be done.... Since Wed. the above items have encroached into my mostly happy life!! Was using 1 of them, then Dr. added a new one, plus suggested taking 2 of the one I was avoiding....UGH! It must be noted that I DO NOT like drugs...I despise having to take those things,even which promote me stayin on this earth a while longer...lol Now, these heavy-duty pain meds. seem to be controlling my ability to motivate freely! These + heating pad & my bed! Most of the last few days have been spent drugged out & confined to bed, just to ease the pain. Even simply walkin hurts after a small window of time...UGH. Now important to know is that I have a very LOW tolerance to pain meds....if I take a mere Bened...