Anyone who knows me is already aware of this fact. I do NOT like needles.....AVOID them @ every opportunity! My Dr. struggles to get shots into me! I'd rather take oral meds ANY I've been forced to make exception to that on few occasions. Antibiotics. Liver biopsy. Steroids (hate those, the med BURNS!) Now I'm in PT for my hip and leg pain. It's PT, or continue to walk in pain. I chose PT. These lil suckers are wonnnnnderful!!! In only 3 sessions, these guys have gotten rid of my intense pain...Happily, they really don't 'hurt'. There is some slight prick-feel (like shot needles). When they are popped into my "sore spots", it's a bit tender....but then, there's this "heat" sensation. PT instructor explained that means the blood is again flowing, and it helps relax the "tied-up" nerves. Whatev..........I LOVE it! So, guess and "ol dog" can learn new lessons! hahaha I still do NOT like shots...