For life we've been taught....if you fail, try,try,again. I've done that all my 63 yrs.....where it concerns trying to find a bra that absolutely fits & IS comfortable. I've gone so far as to be "measured" by Belk's and Macy's. Spent $30-50 per bra they recommended .....only to be disappointed yet again. Grrrrrrrrrr! Possibly now have accepted that maybe the size and style is's that JELLY ROLL killing this "project"...LOL EVERY one of them.....roll up & make me miserable. End result....I QUIT wearing one. (except for "fancy" events, funerals, weddings, etc.) There have been beautiful ones, tooo tight ones, and ones that straight out were painful to wear! So.....I've tried for my last time: this is LAST foray into this problem!! PROS - lacy, soft, fits, light-weight CONS - rolls up (jelly roll, again...UGH) straps "slide" down the shoulders Overall....think I can l...