Put a SOCK on it!!!!!!!

This is Lamar's new "boot". We're trying to heal an open would on this foot.
Nurse Margie is now on the job! Re-learning the routine......clean, medicate, cover, wrap and then into the boot.
Today started early....and I'm NOT a morning person! Lamar got a bath and was ready for the "suit up"!
Got  thru the routine, put  on the boot, and dang.....there sat his sock on the side table.! Rats.
Had to remove the boot (which is at best easy, just kills my back w/the bending over!).....then put on the SOCK and then, complete the boot replacement.  LOL
Lamar's situation is dire if we don't get this wound to heal. Diabetics don't heal well....or fast.
However, this morning proved....there is LAUGHTER in everyday routines! It even manages to "ease" the tensions over this situation.(We both got tickled!!)
So......guess I'll keep trying to remember....put a SOCK on it.....hahahaha


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