
Showing posts from February, 2014

Day 2 w/the local GRANDS ...

Friday. Back to school on Monday for these two! It was yet another beautiful day. We went outside to "play". I love the porch SWING! The sun was peeking around the end of the porch, almost directly into my face. It was WARM, and beautiful, and the sky was almost perfect weather day!  ..attempt @ bike "repair"...but Dad will have to finish!  Swingin.....LOOK @ that hair "in the twirl"... Whacked that one pretty good!  Time well spent. LOVE these kids!

WALK w/Grands....

Today I spent time w/the two local Grands. It was a very beautiful day. So. Got them to go outside for a while. garner playmates. So, off we go....  This is the way kids walk...middle of the road; Kam, "adventure" wearing flip-flops after boots all winter! Well. Her friend wasn't home. So, she was not happy! Decided to run ahead to next location.  Hunter's friend was @ home, but was unable to leave house. So. We went back to their house.  Kam and her bike..  Hunter on the swing...  Got that tongue action going on during the bouncing!! That pogo stick is "short" now that he's grown taller...he has to bend his knees a lot more!! twirl-around time! It was a good day to share time w/the Grands....OUTside. Maybe, next time, friends will be available for "play" time. I just ENJOY being in their presence!! They are growing up too fast! 

Memories... EVONNE'S Birthday today ....

We all surely do MISS sweet Evonne. Wanted to take this time to honor Evonne's crafty side! Von was quite talented in a myriad of arenas. These stories focus on her creative talents. Evonne made this sunflower plate for me. Isn't it beautiful! I think maybe a birthday gift. It still hangs in my kitchen. This was during our crafty decoupage period. I fell in love w/it and the ball rolled from there! I found that Sunflowers were now a favorite of mine. Bright, cheerful, happy flowers. So. I decided to redo my kitchen. I chose Von's plate as my focal point idea. I bought Sunflower wallpaper, we cut out the flowers(quite a project!) and these were applied to my cabinets. It was a lot of tedious cutting.....but we got 'er done. I still LOVE my Sunflower-themed kitchen to this day. I bought this old trunk at a yard sale. (Evonne was living w/us when we tackled both these projects.) I had a Daily Calendar by Thomas Kinkade. I decided to take this outdated one and ...

Lesson of LIGHT....

LIGHT. Thankful for the Sun, peeking out to warm up, melt out, and UPlift spirits! These past few DARK, snowy, icy, cold days have been a real struggle for me. I do NOT like---dark days, housebound, and loss of social interaction w/friends and family. GOD is good.....he's now given us LIGHT again! I found that, during this time, having FB was my "outlet" for fun and connection w/other humans! {Won't even think about IF I had lost power and FB!!} Ofcourse. I do love Lamar and Ariel, but I miss the "other" part of my life-----outdoors and on the move! Freezing, literally,  while taking pictures was also a bit ruff! I cannot help myself---it's an addiction. I MUST take pictures, it's my inner nature....wanting to "record" these events.  Stopping "moments in time" for reflection later. I don't like the "dark" side...I much prefer the LIGHT! Thankfully, again, we got thru it without losing power (yet!) and 1 large...

"BOWLED" Over !!

This most beautiful bowl came into my life on Friday! Most of you have seen it by now....sorry, but I'm just so lovin this HANDmade piece, I can't stop gushing over it! I assure that it will have a "place of honor" in my home. Last year, Vickie and I attended the ROSELAWN Festival and Crafts show, here in Cartersville. While there, I spotted some handmade bowls. This man used a wood (similar to the texture&thin like balsa wood--used in crafts) to craft a beautiful bowl & other items he displayed. Well. I left and returned 2-3 times, trying to convince myself I realllllly wanted this beautiful piece! The price held me in was $62.oo. Growing up in "tuff" times, I finally decided---NO. Not that much $$ for something that I wanted which would "sit and look pretty". Then, in walks Marc w/this one. Yep, I 'bout fell on the floor when he handed it to me!! It almost took my breath! Marc has done craft shows over the years,...

HAPPY Birthday, Gloria PRICE

Today is this SISTA/Friend's birthday. She done gone ahead of me in age!! The stories I could tell.....but, I won't. X-Rated is not good for y'all!! Gloria is one of the most loving, FUN, generous, caring women in my life. A story I treasure as one of the most memorable -- Called Gloria @ 11pm @ night, I was in pain, needed help! She got out of her bed, came to me, packed me and the boys up, dropped off boys w/Alice Hall(another amazing woman), drove me to Americus Hospital. Stayed w/me until Dr. informed us I would be having surgery the next morning, and staying there! Gloria drove home and went to work the next morning. Now. That IS a true Sista/Friend!! I am thankful for her help. These are a few memories of us....  visit @ my house...  w/our "kids" ... ah....younger !! Gloria, we  CELEBRATE  you today. Thank you for all the years of FUN and friendship. I look forward to many more "adventures" yet to come. LOVE you,  SISTA/Frien...