F R E E B I E Day ~~ 1st Time ADVENTURE !!
Today was a "banner" day. A 1st time experience. THANK YOU, Stacey,Marc n Grands, for my Gift Card to get a Mani-Pedi !! Yep. I DID it! Arrived 'bout 9:30am. Lady said take the 2nd chair ~~ I looked, how the heck ya gonna sit in that, I wondered !! Simple ~ RAISE the dang arm.....LOL I must admit, I was a bit "apprehensive" w/this "new" adventure. I began watching other clients....hmmmm, I got this. So it began....the "washing"....then the "prep"... ..got a pair of slinky flipflops! complete w/paper towel rolls between the toes! Wowsie! My toes ain't nevah looked that good before! NOTE: The whole time this is happening to the feet n toes, I'm getting a back MASSAGE in that freakin chair! It felt wonnnnderful! Then the nails got their "treatment". Most unusual was the hand thang ~~lotion, stuffed into a clear storage baggie, then into a heated "glove" thingy. (was really hot ...