F R E E B I E Day ~~ 1st Time ADVENTURE !!

Today was a "banner" day. A 1st time experience.
THANK YOU, Stacey,Marc n Grands, for my Gift Card to get a Mani-Pedi !! Yep. I  DID it!
Arrived 'bout 9:30am. Lady said take the 2nd chair ~~ I looked, how the heck ya gonna sit in that, I wondered !!
Simple ~ RAISE the dang arm.....LOL
I must admit, I was a bit "apprehensive" w/this "new" adventure. 
I began watching other clients....hmmmm, I got this.
So it began....the "washing"....then the "prep"...

 ..got a pair of slinky flipflops! complete w/paper towel rolls between the toes!
Wowsie! My toes ain't nevah looked that good before!
NOTE: The whole time this is happening to the feet n toes, I'm getting a back MASSAGE in that freakin chair! It felt wonnnnderful!
Then the nails got their "treatment". Most unusual was the hand thang ~~lotion, stuffed into a clear storage baggie, then into a heated "glove" thingy. (was really hot upon entering, but soon, just was RElaxing!)
So, now I'm totally relaxed. Body, feet/toes and fingers. Yep.

Old hands, wth, I earned 'em.....Think the nails look pretty dang good!(I chose an almost clear polish w/a hint of PURPLE tint!)
I like this one, w/my ring showing!!  LOL
I was very skeptical about someone "messin" w/my feet. I'm pretty "touchy". Only 2 things were a bother ~~#1 when the girl cut close to the cuticle on my big toe & itty bitty toe~~ouchie a bit!
The #2 thang ~~ I found out, my feet are ticklish!! LOL  When she "massaged" the middle part of the foot ~~it dang sho TICKLED!! and again, when she was "scrubbin" the same area.  LMAO   (didn't realize I was that ticklish on my feet!!)
After 65yrs., I can now say ~~ I've had a  MANI-PEDI !! It was, overall, a FUN, Relaxing experience. (may have to go & do it AGAIN!)

The mornin "topper" was ~~ called Miss Vickie and we had breakfast @ BoJangles. She "treated" me! I enjoyed that very much, too. Love me some Miss Vickie!!
So.....ya see >>>it was a day of Freebies. I truly do APPRECIATE all of it. I am so Blessed......


  1. Good for you!! Your nails look great but what's most important is it made you FEEL good!!


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