WREN BABIES ~~Fly Away !!

This is the end,of our part, in the baby Wren story! We noticed the last couple of days, mama was workin OVERtime feedin. Day into night, for as long as we were in/out on the porch. All manner of squawkin going on!
The pic of a baby feeding was cute!
We are 65 n 72, and for the first time, we witnessed the "fly away"!!!! COOL.
To our amazement ~~there were 3 (three) babies who flew away! Sadly, Lamar found 1 baby on the ground dead the other day. sniff,sniff
 stickin out that wee head...

 hmmm...I gotta go!

 #3 making the decision to go....
 Well...I'm outta here!
 after "drop/fly" out ~~walked around tree(poor pic, was excited!)
#1 baby, into bush, then "up" tree & off...#2 into yard & flew off, #3 walked alongside the fence, then off...
They hung out in the trees & chirpped a while ~then we lost contact.
This was truly A.Ma.Zing to witness for us. We LOVE bird watching!
Our ending ~~babies beginning!!


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