Porch BABY....

Walked out on porch this morning, enroute to my car. Noticed a bird, perched on the top of the screen door. Upon further inspection-----it was a BABY!
It's lil feet firmly attached to the screen and backed up into the corner as tightly as possible!
I tried thumping the screen to "shoo" him on...didn't work. Then, open & closed door...didn't work. It would just squeel sorta! and remain in place!
I went on outside (w/camera, ofcourse)...no movement frm that attached stance.
It's lil feet were firmly attached. I tried prodding gently w/broom handle....nothing! I knew it was a baby, it's lil eyes were only slightly open.
Went back on porch and put on my softest gloves. Went out and gently removed it frm it's perch grip....boy did it fuss at me loudly! I know it was scared.
Took the fella out and tried to place it on a bush limb. When I let go....it flew....not well, but it did fly off. It came back toward higher branch & lit there.
After I returned frm town....it was gone. I'm praying that w/my small assist....it "found it's wings" and will live happily ever after.
It was such a cutie!


  1. Awwww!! Him was lost. And he had a death grip on that screen! I hope he found his mama and his nest!


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