All who know me...I'm a camera-holic! I MUST take photo(s) every day...or I feel I've wasted my day...LOL Today I have spent much time trying to "catch" a Baltimore Oriole....a very elusive bird. Flit in...flit out, before I can get off porch to steps. The other cute thing it does is "chicken-scratch" in the leaves...looking for worms, I think. Shorten story --Eric left today to work in N.C. this week. I told him bye and he took off. Shocker -when I was checking my pics to see if I got that Oriole...there was this LMAO...I 'bout fell out of my chair....Eric is such a nut! Then the sweetness was added..... Now....that just melts a Mama heart...LOL I had been feeling poorly the last couple of days. Eric said he hoped a lil humor would make it better. I AM a lucky, blessed Mama. God gave me two loving boys. I'm thankful every day. YES....The pics did make me smile & laugh. I did tell him he has a loose nut!!