Better off DEAD!!!
We have enjoyed our "bird sanctuary" for years now.
Always a pleasure to watch the birds....eating, and hearing the beautiful melodies of their chatter.
The last few years, we've been OVERrun by squirrels!!
They come in large numbers, consume the bird seeds and raise havoc on our feeders.
These nasty rodents are a true MENACE. They multiply faster than rabbits....ugh.
They have torn up so many bird feeders, seem to "park" and stay ALL day consuming all the seeds for our birds.
We began shooting them....when you have 2, it's fairly reasonable. However, at times there are 5-8 at the time "stalking" the food and generally ruining our enjoyment of the beautiful birds.
This week alone....about 10 have met their squirrel-maker! 5 left this world this morning! Just noticed there are already 2 back in play....they just won't stop.
When the gun goes off, they scamper! Apparently...there are cousins/family hiding in the trees just waiting their turn to pounce down on the food source.
It is an ENDLESS battle for our birds to have food.
I know they are God's creatures....but they seem to be pretty much useless---except as devilish aggravations!!
Living "in the woods" I guess puts a peaceful bird sanctuary at risk.
Guess we'll just keep on shootin, and they apparently will keep on volunteering to meet their squirrel-maker....LOL
Always a pleasure to watch the birds....eating, and hearing the beautiful melodies of their chatter.
The last few years, we've been OVERrun by squirrels!!
They come in large numbers, consume the bird seeds and raise havoc on our feeders.
These nasty rodents are a true MENACE. They multiply faster than rabbits....ugh.
They have torn up so many bird feeders, seem to "park" and stay ALL day consuming all the seeds for our birds.
We began shooting them....when you have 2, it's fairly reasonable. However, at times there are 5-8 at the time "stalking" the food and generally ruining our enjoyment of the beautiful birds.
This week alone....about 10 have met their squirrel-maker! 5 left this world this morning! Just noticed there are already 2 back in play....they just won't stop.
When the gun goes off, they scamper! Apparently...there are cousins/family hiding in the trees just waiting their turn to pounce down on the food source.
It is an ENDLESS battle for our birds to have food.
I know they are God's creatures....but they seem to be pretty much useless---except as devilish aggravations!!
Living "in the woods" I guess puts a peaceful bird sanctuary at risk.
Guess we'll just keep on shootin, and they apparently will keep on volunteering to meet their squirrel-maker....LOL
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