Today bird watching hit a new level. The bird world, if you observe, is filled w/characters to enjoy and mystify!
The beginning....last yr. we had Wrens take up residence in my lil $3 bird house. It was exciting because we had not experienced nesters before then.
The Wrens stayed for their "time" and were gone.
The last couple of weeks, we've noticed Chickadees moved into this humble cottage. Now....they added to the nesting materials, but left it otherwise as they found this home.
(I had thought Chickadee was "moving", as I caught him w/nesting items in his mouth, leaving the home.)

This time, Chickadee is removing nesting materials...just throwing it out on the ground. I'm puzzled.
Now, while Chickadee may have been "moving".....Wren showed up to take possession. What?
This is getting more interesting by the hour....
Then I noticed Wren was throwing out nesting materials, too. What?
Then....the Chickadee returned, pulled out materials. This has gotten so funny!
This routine of "cleaning house" continued on thru the day.
All of a sudden----the Chickadee flew down & literally attacked the Wren!! Who, promptly left the scene.
Wren sat on a nearby limb.....mouthed off @ the Chickadee who took up guarding his recent home!
Eric, Lamar, & me all heard the Wren.....he made a noise which sounded EXactly like a rattlesnake hissing!! It was loud, too.!
Chickadee took up perch @ house & on nearby limb. We didn't see the Wren return....but did hear him "snaking" his threat all throughout this "war" of the birdhouse  owners.
Note: Now, the house was originally occupied and "furnished" by the WREN. Chickadee only took up residence this year, with an intact decorated home!
Will see tomorrow how this plays out....
This is close-up of BEFORE the moving/fight began...
This is AFTER....empty, except for 1 twig hanging!
Still can't understand the story. Maybe....Wren wanted to clean & move back into the house.....meanwhile, Chickadee is saying NO and standing his guard.
It has been an interesting day, the story I guess is still to be observed.........!! to see how this "war of the birds" plays out.


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