MAXINE's "Vaca" ~~ Day Three

It's Sunday....and has been another "day-on-the-go".
The 3 of us drove to Big D Flea Market in Dalton.
We stopped for a biscuit @ Hardee's this morning. Here's Maxine w/her Coffee, still sippin after the food.....!!

Was a very disappointing trip! I think Maxine spent $1 and I totalled out w/$3. Ugh. Well...ya never know if you'll find a treasure...esp. if you don't go!! It was HOT, but a nice breeze was around to help.
We all were happy to be back home.
The "HIT" of this day......
haha....Maxine finally GOT her biscuits! She was one happy woman.....hehehe
Dang, those biscuits throw me Off any kinda diet ideas.!!
It has been a good day. Time with a very SPECIAL friend, is always time well spent.


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