Saturday LESSONS......

Guess, 'bout 4-5" of this white stuff/aka SNOW!! Started Fri. am, finally stopped Sat.
Hard times....lead to Hard Lessons in REALITY 101!
We woke up Sat. morning...NO Power. It was already COLD in the house.
Our Oil lamps do provide some light relief!
As a young child....we lived places, where there was NO insulation....warming front body side, then the "backside" front of Space heaters. Nights were spent bundled/huddled well into overnight heat! I DO remember...
Waking up COLD, was a really big SLAP, into a past life!
I immediately began piling on clothing! LOL  LotZa them! and finally, found some warmth.
Later in the day.....Marc found us a propane Heater, to use, if power stayed off. late afternoon....Power came ON, Lamar got his TV back, and I was on FB....catching Up. LOL
Talk about taking things for granted!!! I do. {for a brief few minutes, we got Power.....Heat felt gOOd....then gone again!}
The wonder is....what did we DO, in those days, for entertainment? Don't remember ever being "bored"...but, now I get there fast!
We were really Lucky @ Anderson Acres. We had Power, long before others. We got Warm & are enjoying Lights....again.
This new "teckie" age, isn't so appealing to me (for the most part).....but gOOd, old fashioned Basics---HEAT n LIGHTS do make me Happy.!!!
Hoping Everyone is toasty, and enjoying Lights tonight...
What an Adventure!


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