
Showing posts from June, 2012


An unexpected "free" day today! I must admit it was a lazy one for me. ...back to schedule tomorrow. It has been verrry hot, but most of the day, a nice breeze outside. I began my bird "hunt" and shoot. This activity makes me feel productive (somehow!) and it's just darn FUN! There is a bit of a "game" attitude one must develop for bird-shoots. They flit before you can shoot, so, you hold & wait for the right moment.!!  LOL Later in the day, around 6pm, I went back out for a few more shots. The light is bright, but nice in the background. Spotted 2 doves on the ground, aimed....away they flew. Well, I followed! They perched on a limb (guess-ta-mated) about 25-30ft. above my head. I took position and began shooting from various angles. These are the results below. NO cropping at all. I'm sooo tickled w/them. This new Zoom on my camera allows me to "reach out and touch", which I could not w/the previous zoom lens. ...

Chocolate SUICIDE....!!!!!!!

Today Vickie & I ventured out to Bath&Body Works. We had decided to also have lunch @ the Marietta Diner. This restaurant is quite well known and we had wanted to try it out. This is just a bit of what the parking lot looked like when we got there about 1pm! I like the "atmosphere" of this diner, too. These are the sconces they use....also the wall we sat next to was mirrored. I ordered Eggplant Parmesan w/spaghetti.It was delish! Ordered Stuffed mushrooms, too. LUV those buggars! There were REAL pieces of crabmeat....the mushrooms were very large, too. Delish! Ofcourse, I saved room for favorite part of any meal...LOL Now ... there is an entire display for cheesecake & pies. Then on the other side.....there it is! A display for huge specialty CAKES. Now, it only took me a split second to see that chocolate cake! The waiter told me it has 4 different chocolates. Yep. That's the one for me. It even has a name: Chocolate Suicide.....

MALL-ed y'all !!!!!

I can guarantee you could count on ONE hand, the times I go to any mall! Too crowded, too expensive mostly to enjoy shopping. Today, though, I had NO choice! I had to go to my most FAV shop, Bath & Body Works....for  my "special" bath gels. Destiny interceded! Next door was an interesting shop filled w/beautiful pocket books (w/Vera Bradley "look"), travel bags, etc. Why it "called" me is also a monogram shop. I browsed.....caught sight of backpacks. Had not even crossed my mind too much. I opted to purchase a backpack.....need one for b'day trip w/Maxine next month.( Much more sensible since I still LUV my new turquoise pocketbook.) This is what I chose. I  LUV  it. Soft cotton-type material. It will hold my varied items for our walk thru GIBBS GARDENS. If you go on line and look this place up.....will BLOW yo mind! 1700 acres, many varied gardens. Location is about 10min. frm Donnie's!! Ball Ground for goodness sakes. Maxine...

2 BALL.....the THRILL of the HUNT!!!

Don't ya just know this ball has an interesting story to tell!!  LOL During a period of boredom....listening to the kids' XBox games & cartoons....I went 'splorin my new grounds! Walking down hill in back yard when I noticed something blue, barely visible on the ground. Took my foot & uncovered this --- miniature billard ball...I think! I  left it for the kids to find later. I's pathetic how such a "find" can entertain me....LOL   (well you take ya fun where you can find it!!!!!!!!)                    


We were soooo happy to attend the graduation and "open house" party for our GRANDdaughter. I was an itty-bitty part of this celebration! I was blessed to be able to press Chellsey's graduation gown!! If you know me....I make sure I don't buy anything that has to be ironed...LOL   This time....I was actually honored and happy to be able to iron! (may not ever happen again...LOL) The collage pictured above was prepared by me, too. It was fun and I enjoyed the opportunity to participate in any way. You can only see one was a full-sized poster board w/pics of Chellsey at all ages. Malissa had already done a full board of others before I arrived on scene. I know....these are such "small things" to report. They are, however, 2 small things I will treasure in my heart! I felt blessed to be there for this major event in my GRANDdaughter's life. Small or not, they are memories I keep. We are so proud of Chellsey. (our  sons didn't grad...


This is such a profound, sweet, true caption. Trust IS such an important issue in any relationship. If trust is lost, the essence of love is damaged---sometimes, beyond repair. This caption has been very popular today. That tells me that everyone agrees TRUST is essential to us all: a : assured reliance on the character, ability, strength, or truth of someone or something b : one in which confidence is placed 2 a : dependence on something future or contingent : hope The dictionary describes trust as above shown. It does show character of a person and, hope that will be someone who always exhibits that quality. I found my trust to be always well placed ---now through almost 32 yrs.!! I thank GOD every day for blessing us with Lamar. I pray everyone will find their own person of trust.....

Sunshine HURRAH!

Praise the Lord!! She is shining today with a nice breeze. Think the sun must be female, cause she was definitely on strike from Tues-today....ugh. We drove up to Michigan to see our GRANDdaughter graduate frm High School. It was so exciting to know we would get to see our GRANDkids....and be a part of this amazing event. We had packed only "summer" type clothes, and simply added a light jacket for the cool nights we have come to expect. NOT enough at all...Every day has been COLD (in the 50s), WET, w/ RAIN constant. We were not scouts and failed to prepare for this turn of weather! I have a light sweater, and Lamar brought a rain resistant, light jacket. I had to use his jacket, pulled OVER my head !! to take Ariel for her "walks". It has truly been MISERABLE weather.!!! My GRANDson let me borrow a nice, heavy coat...which I do so appreciate. It kept me warm and comfortable. THANKS to my sweet Brandon. Today, Sunday, is's a beautiful weat...