MALL-ed y'all !!!!!

I can guarantee you could count on ONE hand, the times I go to any mall! Too crowded, too expensive mostly to enjoy shopping.
Today, though, I had NO choice! I had to go to my most FAV shop, Bath & Body Works....for  my "special" bath gels.
Destiny interceded! Next door was an interesting shop filled w/beautiful pocket books (w/Vera Bradley "look"), travel bags, etc. Why it "called" me is also a monogram shop.
I browsed.....caught sight of backpacks. Had not even crossed my mind too much. I opted to purchase a backpack.....need one for b'day trip w/Maxine next month.( Much more sensible since I still LUV my new turquoise pocketbook.)
This is what I chose. I  LUV  it. Soft cotton-type material. It will hold my varied items for our walk thru GIBBS GARDENS.
If you go on line and look this place up.....will BLOW yo mind! 1700 acres, many varied gardens. Location is about 10min. frm Donnie's!! Ball Ground for goodness sakes.
Maxine & I are soooo excited about our upcoming trip.
Now, I'll be able to carry only "necessary" items more comfortably. Much better than my 20lb. pocketbook...LOL



  1. That's really pretty!! I use a backpack at work. Don't even carry a pocketbook anymore, except to church. You'll love the freedom!!


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