
Showing posts from March, 2013

TWIN Talent.........

Avery is a mess.....very SMART, too! We looked and here was this guy sitting there.....using CHOPSTICKS to eat......wait for it......ICE CREAM!! LOL Also could pick up fruit w/them, too! I got some talented Nephews !!


3/31/13....Today Lamar stepped up to 71yrs. of age. So, not only are we celebrating Easter, the resurrection of Jesus, but also this man's birthday. We did have, as Donnie says, a bit smart 'o fun. Unknown to me.....Donnie had asked the waitress to sing happy b'day to Lamar. It came off pretty funny.....cause they are Asian, and had problems w/our English silly song! He received a cake....of sorts! Which, ofcourse, he ate all, less 1 small bite! was gifting time. Donnie, Pam & family got him shirts & new Red suspenders. The  FUN  part was the card..... Donnie saw Lamar reading, told him to "listen" to the card. It sang --Can't Touch This!! w/pic of sexy female on front. It was f u n n y!! It was wonderful to be w/the family. So difficult to get the guys all together in one spot! Not only do I thank GOD for the sacrifice & resurrection of his son, Jesus......I also thank GOD every day for bringing this loving, sweet, genero...

BUNNY story....

We've been seeing one rabbit of late. (There were 4 in the past!) Have taken some pics, but were a bit "grainy,fuzzy" ones. Late this evening.....I saw him come out of hiding. behind the garden rail.... Took a look @ me....then ran toward house. Caught him jumping over the rail..... Then he came even to the ramp! Stopped to grab a bite of whatever.....then right on up to the end of the ramp!! He was only 4-5ft. away !! The final shot before he hopped very quickly, back to his hiding spot ! I was so thrilled he came so close, and seemed comfortable w/me. Ofcourse, I tried to catch the hopping w/white "bob" shining......but, alas, he was much too fast!! I just LOVE nature.....all the fun and joy it gives us.

Curious ORANGE.......

Pore fungi (Polyporaceae and Ganodermataceae) also occur on trees in shades of orange. Pore fungi members look like brackets or shelves attached to living or dead trees. Read more: Orange Fungus on Trees | Now I know, from above info, what I saw today. As I was walking Ariel, noticed this bright orange fungus on an older cedar tree: I have no memory of ever seeing this prior to this year.   Always something new to see............when ya live in the "woods" !!

Evil DEVIL w/ Wings !!!!!

Anyone who knows us realize how much we enjoy bird-watching. I worked very hard to clear out space for my "garden". Spent a bit of money on my "metal" garden.....can't grow flowers, so this is my "fix". Lamar buys Sunflower seeds by the 50lb. bag, usually, 'bout every 2 wks. We have been doing this as a hobby since our retirement. Now. This EVIL Devil w/wings is destroying our peace and comfort..... We have 'bout 3-4 hawks who prowl our area. This guy is SMALL, 'bout the size of a Dove. He is reaking havoc, and has a voracious appetite! UGH. In 1 wk., Lamar saw him get 3 of our small birds! Today, I saw him fly down onto the ground.....but he missed. haha I followed and got this shot. Our birds left for quite a few days....nothing out there. Today is their first day back.....and here came that DEVIL. !! He's sneaky and fast as lightening! He comes from all 4 directions---at different appearances. This makes us verrrrrrrrrrry SAD...

Horoscope SOAP BOX.....

A bit of free entertainment is the daily Horoscope writings. Some "manage" to flatter us with some similarities. Others, not so much! Then....yes, I looked: Now I begin. #1 This is written by: NBBC, short for Noypi Buzz   So, right away, I'm wondering why that NBBC had eased out of my eyesight all these years! #2 A few things are 'spot on' in my ego fascination! Then....."Can hold a grudge for years". NO,NO. I admit to having "memories" of wrong doings....but, I tend to move on from the person/situation and LIVE my life. #3 "Usually great at sports and are extreme sports fanatics." NO,NO,NO,NO. Literally could NOT be further from truth in my life!! I remember detesting having to "attend" ballgames for my own sons....and will find no fun (maybe Pride) when Grands do well in sports! The only sports I ever played was softball with our neighborhood "gang". Our little circle of friends would play al...

BIRD shot.........

I was blessed to be in my "hometown" this weekend. Alice, Rick, Lamar, David & I decided to "feast" at our favorite local (well-known) restaurant. This restaurant is operated by Mennonites....the food is OFF the charts. Vegetables, meats and wonderful desserts. They also have a bakery.....I purchased a Sour Cream Pound Cake.....delish! Alice, Rick and I were waiting for the other 2 to arrive. We walked around, and I spotted .....the goat! So, headed that way.... On the walk over......Alice yelled, I think a bird just pooped on my head. Well....I checked, sure enough, there was a tiny spot of birdy stuff. It wasn't funny ....then, but we laughed later! Rick re-checked, just to make sure I got it ALL!! The irony is.....Alice loves birds, too. We both love 'em. However, she was none too happy w/this particular bird!!!!!!!!! She said she wasn't walking under any more trees..... We went on and truly enjoyed our meal, chatting and making more ...


I'm just one of millions who have the disease....I admit, I'm a  "pinaholic". !!  I usually go there @ least once a day, sometimes more....ok. It's just what we do. My thang is proceeding into sites of those who "pin" my choices. It makes life interesting to see what others like, too. Did that yesterday. One board was beautiful ladybugs and butterflies. I pinned a couple...then there it was!! Ha. This one looked verrrry familiar. It's pretty and unique-looking. Then I had an  "aha moment"! This is the guy ---I had taken a picture of one sitting on an old broken limb! This is my picture: The one in the yard was upside down....after something on that limb. Same type guy!! Now.....that was so much FUN, seeing and now, giving my butterfly his proper name!!! Ya just never know........