EYE Faux Pas!!!!!!!!!!
On our way to Huddle House for a "light" supper....spotted this (we were looking frm the right side lane). Both of us assumed...therein lies the folly.....it was a woman's purse! NOT....We decided to go eat & if it was still there when we drove home....it would be on our side of the road....we'd stop, retrieve it and call the law. TOOOO funny! "Bag" was still there (curiously, after an hr. or so)....we stopped. I got out, checked on the "purse" lying there. DUH! It is a black bag, filled w/thrown out Large BEER cans.....hahahahaha Lessons learned: don't presume anything, until you check it out. #2, I'm thankful the city cop I approached about it was just that....city....NOT county. (no harm, no foul!!) Sometimes....trying to be a good person, well, needs a much better...