TURTLE Love.......RATED R !!!
This morning I spotted a small turtle crossing the front yard. Ran inside for camera(OFcourse!). When I returned, there was a 2nd, larger one "chasing" the smaller one!! His neck was stretched out as far as it could go!!, and he was haulin butt toward the other turtle!!
(Note: We only usually see 1 @ a time around here.)
Well......pretty dang quick, we KNEW it was male/female relationship!!
It was an amazing sight to see....actual "love-makin" by those two!
Almost there....
Connection made!!
Then....being a male.....He wanders on off to wherever!!Done w/the deed and moving on!!!!!!!
Yep....there He goes.....lol
(Note: We only usually see 1 @ a time around here.)
Well......pretty dang quick, we KNEW it was male/female relationship!!
It was an amazing sight to see....actual "love-makin" by those two!
Almost there....
Connection made!!
Then....being a male.....He wanders on off to wherever!!Done w/the deed and moving on!!!!!!!
Yep....there He goes.....lol
Trying to get thru skinny fence w/his big self...not happening!
Meantime.....she's just hangin there, resting? or savoring the moment!
Finally on the move...
She's closer to the house now....
He figured out to go around the fence! On his way to the woods.
She's moving on toward the woods....
Last sighting of her....went under Lamar's truck.
They met, separated, and then even went in Opposite directions!!
Now. Ain't love grand???? LOL
Oh, that is too funny!! It's awesome that you caught that!!