LIFE Lessons .....Learning Again !!
This blog is a confession and statement of "new" learning for me. The "darkness" of an "acute" illness, and the healing from that, has been a reality check in full measure!
I'm a Believer. I'm one who praises God, prays all the time, and am confident of the Love of my Father.
That statement made -- I am still filled w/human nature and it's quircks! We all get "comfortable" in our everyday lives and routines.
Well. Mine has been blown apart w/this "healing" process.!! It's going much more slowly than I would desire, and so much seems more difficult, and "lost" a bit.
There are books written, quotes out there, and we all kinda believe --don't sweat the "small" stuff. Pfffft! It's the "small" stuff that's giving me such tough issues right now. Go figure!
Examples: energy to "move" and do my everyday routines; insecurity/discomfort w/the thought of driving a car (not in over 3wks. now); ability to form thoughts when I'm so very tired/worn out from fighting to stay OUT of bed and "up" every day; taking a shower w/energy left afterwards; not much cookin going on!; motivation to do housework (doing as I can w/morning energy "burst"); desire to get out n about as yet; an appetite; taking Ariel for walks~all these things are "normal", everyday routines we tend to take for *granted* ~~they'll just always BE there. ??
This is NOT a pity party~~I'm past that. It is notification to ALL that life changes, health changes and I'm still praising God for the things I can do, and for the healing that IS taking place.
I am jerked into the reality that ~~change is happening to me. It's a slowed-down version of myself right now. I KNOW there is healing, it already is happening, I just find myself more acutely aware ~~even everyday, routine things we take for granted~~can be interrupted.
I'm stepping back.....looking forward, w/a new appreciation for "the small stuff".
It's a "shake-up" of the mind, folks!!!
**Thank GOD for his beautiful Birds ~~they are such a blessing to watch and enjoy.**
I'm a Believer. I'm one who praises God, prays all the time, and am confident of the Love of my Father.
That statement made -- I am still filled w/human nature and it's quircks! We all get "comfortable" in our everyday lives and routines.
Well. Mine has been blown apart w/this "healing" process.!! It's going much more slowly than I would desire, and so much seems more difficult, and "lost" a bit.
There are books written, quotes out there, and we all kinda believe --don't sweat the "small" stuff. Pfffft! It's the "small" stuff that's giving me such tough issues right now. Go figure!
Examples: energy to "move" and do my everyday routines; insecurity/discomfort w/the thought of driving a car (not in over 3wks. now); ability to form thoughts when I'm so very tired/worn out from fighting to stay OUT of bed and "up" every day; taking a shower w/energy left afterwards; not much cookin going on!; motivation to do housework (doing as I can w/morning energy "burst"); desire to get out n about as yet; an appetite; taking Ariel for walks~all these things are "normal", everyday routines we tend to take for *granted* ~~they'll just always BE there. ??
This is NOT a pity party~~I'm past that. It is notification to ALL that life changes, health changes and I'm still praising God for the things I can do, and for the healing that IS taking place.
I am jerked into the reality that ~~change is happening to me. It's a slowed-down version of myself right now. I KNOW there is healing, it already is happening, I just find myself more acutely aware ~~even everyday, routine things we take for granted~~can be interrupted.
I'm stepping back.....looking forward, w/a new appreciation for "the small stuff".
It's a "shake-up" of the mind, folks!!!
**Thank GOD for his beautiful Birds ~~they are such a blessing to watch and enjoy.**
Oh, I know exactly how you feel. Take your time, take it slow and you WILL get back. It will take some time but don't give up!! One day at a time, one hour at a time if you have to. And keep looking UP! He will hear your prayers and your praises. I love you!!