Eric's Fish Throw!!

Sun. Eric&Marc went fishing. They came home w/5 nice-sized bass. Marc went home & Eric cleaned the fish.
Dad told him to throw the "guts" & scales over the fence into the woods....Eric threw them and you can see where they "landed"!!! LOL  Noone could "plan" that wild throw...the newspaper the guts were wrapped in "hung up" in a small tree....Now, did you ever?????
Now, we have several feral cats who roam our humble land, and so far, none of them have "discovered" these tasty morsels....
I can't believe that those fish "remains" as yet still "hang out" in that tree!!  Poor tree!
Guess eventually, someone will have to remove that "package" and then the little tree can say, Free at last, thank God I'm FREE at last..............


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