
Showing posts from May, 2011

GrandMa shoots Grandson!!

Stayed w/grandkids Sat. night so parents could have a much deserved, long-awaited date night! Received last minute instructions and the parents took off. Not even realizing at this point that I would be the one giving grandson his insulin shots!! UGH! So, time came for problem figuring carbs, I get that now. Then, figures done, food ready, time for injection. Grandson says he can't do it on back side of his arm, Grandma, you'll have to give me my shot!! Oh, no....I'm not sure I can do this! All kind of freakin-out running rampant thru my brain...Well, just suck it up and as Nike says, "just do it"!! Grandson very smart & knows the whole procedure very well. He has been such an amazing kid thru this whole new life situation.  Grandson says, I'll "pinch" Grandma, you just do the, I DID!!! Now, I'm freakin-out again....asks grandson, did I hurt you? He quickly says if it's nothing. was s...

Clean up!!

Eric cut grass for us last week. Summer keeping grandkids will be me going over to their house...whereas, last summer, the grandkids came to my house. Eric didn't have that info @ the time & I caught him washing the kids' riding toys!! He loves his niece&nephew very much...I thought his cleaning up their rides was extremely sweet of him.....They love their "uncle", too. (having sat out in the "elements" all winter, they definitely needed a good cleaning!!)   THANK you Eric.....

Beauty Bonus!

Went to a neighborhood yard sale today. BUMMERS! Nothing I needed/wanted amongst sellers' wares... Voila! Did get to see these beautiful flowers @ one house. Had not seen the maroon/red color of lillies before today. They were so striking, got camera and took these to is everywhere we go....we just have to take notice.                                                           Enjoy!!! Have a great day.

BIG spoon, GrandMa!!

Tues. was my first day to "keep" Grandson for summer days. Being with my grandkids during the summer is always a FUN "job" for me. This yr. things are very different. Grandson has been diagnosed w/Type I diabetes. Got myself going toward a better understanding by attending two 4-hr. night classes. They were helpful - but not directed specifically to Type I. Classes did give me a better "general" knowledge of insulin dependence. My "backup" is the Dad, who will be there during the day and easy phone contact w/Mom at work. So, I'm not totally alone, thank goodness. Cute story - @ lunch grandson wanted pb&j sandwich with his other allowable items. No problem, right? W R O N G.....reading the labels on the pbutter & jelly was my downfall. Figured carbs correctly reading labels correctly...then, it  went "south". Picked up Teaspoon, put pb on bread and thought -- dang, this doesn't even "cover" the bread very wel...

Murphy STRIKES again!

Attended grandson's awards program today. He seemed pleased that I was there w/his Mom&"sissie". Lasted approx. 45 min. and left to go home. I had "borrowed" Lamar's truck cause I was gettin low on gas. Backed out of parking space, heard FLAP<FLAP<, (didn't cuss then), so I pulled into another open parking space. Got out, and above is what I found!! (yes, I did curse!! lol) Could NOT believe the wheel was almost touching the ground...UGH! So, called Lamar and he came on over to school. In the meantime, I put in a "panic" call to Stacey to see if Marc was up out of bed yet...Luckily, he was due to get up @ 3pm. It was about 2pm then. So sweet Stacey went home, got Marc up and he called me. I pleaded my case and he came right on over. Thank God, cause I knew Lamar couldn't handle this alone. The humor lies in the fact that this was our 1st flat -- had to READ the manual to find jack & then figure out how to get to it! Jack i...

First Time FUN!

So many stories....begin @ the beginning! Eric presented me w/ticket to BonJovi concert on Valentines' Day. A very pleasant & unexpected surprise -- dreamy expectations! Sat. night was THE night. Hired a chauffeur to drive us and got to ride in an Escalade -the 1st of firsts for this special adventure. Eric asked and we decided to eat @ the Hard Rock cafe....2nd of the firsts!! I really enjoyed seeing all the memorabilia and the experience of "being" there. Then the major event - the concert! I could see Bon Jovi in front of me, but soooo amazing....BJ showed the energy of an energizer bunny! In his sexy, black leather -- he was "all over" the stage with his sexy little self....LOL  He did several of my favs -- plus a couple of surprises in the show. BJ did a "take-off" on Mick Jagger and it was absolutely HILARIOUS - doin the chicken "strut" and he sang the song very well. Next, was "Old Time Rock n Roll" and it was just as...

Wanted: Sat. nite concert!!

Ahhhh, here it is bitsey-bit more than 24hrs. until Bon Jovi concert. Truly emotions & feelings are "all over the map"!! Excited, apprehensive, in a "is this a dream?" state! To understand, you must know--this is my FIRST Rock concert! I've been advised to get ear plugs for these tender old ears! I have enjoyed BJ's music for such a  looooong time & now to get to a live concert is amazing to me!! Other advice: Mama get some SLEEP during the I can enjoy the concert past my usual Sr. bedtime....LOL This will also be my 1st trip to Phillips Arena -- for anything! I don't "do" Atlanta!!! So with that in mind, am having an Escalade w/chauffeur pick us up, drop us out, and drive us home....NO traffic to deal with and no "mile" of walking to/from car....YES!! So....all these NEW experiences happening in just one night.  If I think on it too long.....may wake up and just be a dream. There's just no words to thank ...

Too OLD for concert!!!!

Picked up granddaughter yesterday & kept her until Mama got home after Hunter's dr. appt. Took her home. Enjoyed her visit. Stacey & I were discussing my upcoming Bon Jovi concert......wait for it.....when Hunter popped up and said "Grandma, you're too old for a concert"!!!  LOL   LMAO!! I told Hunter that while I was at beauty shop for "trim"....older lady heard Sue say I was goin to this woman must have been 70+ and she says, I love Bon Jovi!!!  So.....I don't think one is ever TOO old to enjoy music, life, love or whatever challenge (other than physical..LOL) that comes to us! They say that truth comes "out of the mouthes of babes" but, in this case, I TOTALLY disagree.....


HAPPY  HAPPY  As you can see on the LEFT side of these trees---they are fully "leafed" out now.  Was so afraid they would remain BARE & not survive the winter...but finally they are normal and I'm glad they are "fully dressed" -- LOL

UPDATE -- 2,for Easter

2 bunnies showed up on Easter...well dang! Fri. evening, we saw 4 (FOUR) playing out @ the edge of the yard!! So....guess we're getting the family visitations now...LOL #2 pix -- this fella/gal came thru yard and decided just to  stretch  out & take a rest in the garden!! So cute--we've never seen one just lay down on the ground! Stayed about 10min. and was hoppin on off to join his fella bunnies.... They are so much fun to observe...hippity hopping all thru the yard. (doesn't take much to entertain Seniors u know)!!  LOL

Mama.....for life

On Mother's Day, I'm counting the blessings of two sons. I'm thinking ---"they step on your toes when they're little, and step on your heart when they get bigger"  and  hearing their voices in my ears ---"mom, I'm a grown man"!! At my present age, they ARE grown with children of their own now. I'm just wondering why I can't stop being a mother?? My heart just won't let me!! I find myself worrying about their health, safety, and life circumstances---in spite of their being 2 grown adult men!! Mother is not a moniker I take lightly--it is the highest blessing from God and I truly respect HIS blessings. So, I know sometimes I frustrate them, cause they think I'm "hovering" or "sticking my nose in their business"---maybe so....the desire to mother just doesn't stop...even if they're "grown"!! Point being made is---I'm just a Mother!! When these sons bury me....guess I'll stop "mo...

Lessons Learned

I'll be 63 this yr. Sadly, I've never been a volunteer for anything! That changed this week. I worked with Cartersville Cares these past 2 days. The experience has really taught me volumes.....The ease of strangers, coming together to work for the good of the tornado victims. How the old saying--everyone is just a friend you haven't met--is so very true. Learning for myself, how wonderful it feels to be "of service" for others, nothing expected in return. Once I walked into the door, and volunteered, I was visually astounded! The "mountains" of trash bags, boxes stacked everywhere----awaiting attention to be sorted/sized! I knew this was going to be WORK!!!! but I was ready. Briefly -- ALL bags had to be opened, items identified and taken to the room designated for that item. ie., women's,men's,kids,toys,bedding,shoes, etc. Once in the "room" every item had to be sorted into a "tagged" box for the "store". I wor...