Lessons Learned

I'll be 63 this yr. Sadly, I've never been a volunteer for anything! That changed this week.
I worked with Cartersville Cares these past 2 days. The experience has really taught me volumes.....The ease of strangers, coming together to work for the good of the tornado victims. How the old saying--everyone is just a friend you haven't met--is so very true. Learning for myself, how wonderful it feels to be "of service" for others, nothing expected in return.
Once I walked into the door, and volunteered, I was visually astounded! The "mountains" of trash bags, boxes stacked everywhere----awaiting attention to be sorted/sized! I knew this was going to be WORK!!!! but I was ready.
Briefly -- ALL bags had to be opened, items identified and taken to the room designated for that item. ie., women's,men's,kids,toys,bedding,shoes, etc.
Once in the "room" every item had to be sorted into a "tagged" box for the "store".
I worked 9am - approx. 12:15 on Mon. & approx. 9:30 - Noon on Tuesday.That part of the job (sorting/sizing)  is now completed! There were probably a dozen or more volunteers working both days.
I can tell you that muscles unused HURT when you use them...LOL  The usual -- legs ached, neck strained. However, that soon passed with rest and hot bathes!! No hill for a climber!!
The highlight of my experience -- Lamar&I made a monetary donation. Our leader, Greg - head of Parks&Recreation - consulted with his group leaders on how best to use the donation. Decision was - go to WalMart(my most UNfavorite place!) & get $20 gift cards. These would be given to victims for NEW undergarments (men's/boy's shorts/briefs & women's/girl's undies). What an ingenious idea. I saw it actually take place this morning. A sweet woman came in & was given one of the cards--the smile on her face was worth EVERY ache I had experienced. She was so appreciative---it was MORE than a Kodak moment for me!
God is so good and has blessed our family so much. All of us survived the storms & our homes are intact. Truly a great blessing and I am very thankful, too.
So, the work is done for now....but if they call me, I will happily go back and do whatever this old body can accomplish!
My thoughts are vivid with the memory of this experience.
The visual sights, friendships  with strangers and realizing there are soooo many compassionate, good souls in this world. We too often only hear about the "bad seeds", but this week I KNOW good people can come  together and be one to accomplish a common goal---helping others as a community of God and mankind.
It was such an amazing 2 days.....my heart is very happy!!


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