BIG spoon, GrandMa!!

Tues. was my first day to "keep" Grandson for summer days. Being with my grandkids during the summer is always a FUN "job" for me.
This yr. things are very different. Grandson has been diagnosed w/Type I diabetes. Got myself going toward a better understanding by attending two 4-hr. night classes. They were helpful - but not directed specifically to Type I. Classes did give me a better "general" knowledge of insulin dependence.
My "backup" is the Dad, who will be there during the day and easy phone contact w/Mom at work. So, I'm not totally alone, thank goodness.
Cute story - @ lunch grandson wanted pb&j sandwich with his other allowable items. No problem, right? W R O N G.....reading the labels on the pbutter & jelly was my downfall. Figured carbs correctly reading labels correctly...then, it  went "south". Picked up Teaspoon, put pb on bread and thought -- dang, this doesn't even "cover" the bread very well....Grandson comes over to counter --Grandma, what spoon is that? Tsp. I told him. Grandson says - I get BIG spoons, Grandma!!! LOL  
So - in my attempt to be exact & careful + a bad dose of "nerves" over this whole situation -- I had failed to remember SIMPLE abbreviations!!!!! Tsp = teaspoon  &  Tbsp = tablespoon ....LOL
 Believe me I was totally is my 10yr. old grandson explaining tsp vs tablespoon to me -- @ my age...hahahaha
Ok, I am praying this will be the worst of any mistakes I make thru this summer! It appears that the "formulas" used are best learned "by doing" until they become familiar & easier.
Seriously, this is not a "job" I take lightly....It involves the very health of my I will be determined to get it right and keep him safe when he's in my care.
However, I can't help but to LAUGH over this -- it's funny now, but wasn't then!!!!! Guess the key to a successful summer w/grandson is to relax & enjoy his company, while keeping conscious of the situation existing.  
Hoping for a great summer w/both grandkids......


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