Birth memories - ERIC

This pic taken in May prior to Eric's birth. Only one that I know of during my "with child" 9mos! In those yrs. not many women wanted or desired having their pic taken while, how times have changed. Now women get on covers of magazines w/baby bump proudly displayed! I remember - I was 21, soooo excited about becoming a mommie--at least until I was so close to the actual "event"! I told Mama Ogletree that I didn't want to do this (give birth)! She very wisely said to me, well, you can't back out Eric was "easy" baby coming into our world. The Dr. "knocked me out" for a few hrs. because I was soooo slow getting to the deed! When I awoke, I remember having only three (3) hard pains and Wooohoo he was here! During those yrs. we did NOT know the sex of our wanting a boy and actually getting a boy was amazing! The pregnancy was a very happy, non-eventful time. I felt better and was never sick.......