R&R (GINGER inspired!)

Thank you Vickie for a FUN day.....
It has been a couple of weeks since my "go buddy" and I have been able to get off together. Logistics are tricky! 
We took off today....went to the mall(OMG, yes we did!) to Bath&Body Works. GINGER is the reason for this part of the trip!! She mentioned they were "having a sale" and I absorbed that important info very quickly...lol  Must have been in there about an hr!! Sale was definitely ON....yeah!
I found 2 bath gels I liked + 2 @ regular price. When I began to check out the saleslady says---you have 2@reg. price, you need to go back & pick 3 MORE items, and the price will be the same...well, heck yeah! We did! So it was buy 2, get 3 FREE.....Plus, my other 2 were 75% off...YES! So Vickie picked some and everything she chose was FREE---what FUN.....lol
Then we ate lunch @ Olive Garden....that, too, is GINGER's fault..hahaha  She had lunch there recently & got my taste buds going!! 
We then hit Ana's Linens. I'm lookin for a 2nd shower curtain to use while my other one is being washed....so I can rotate them and they'll last longer. Found one & "fell in love", ofcourse, it was "out of stock" because the clerk says it sells so fast, they can't keep it in stock.....so, they'll call when my new SERENITY shower curtain arrives.
Left there and headed to Garden Ridge, to browse. Vickie got lucky and found a comforter she likes....she's been lookin for a while now.
(we'll get the comforter when we go back for my shower curtain.)

Therefore, today was truly R(rest frm normal routines) & R(relaxation of just being "free").....LOL
P>S>  The Black Tie Mousse cheesecake @ Olive Garden is a "knock your socks off" dessert.
A very GOOD day.............


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