Errand Frenzy!

This stainless steel toaster/oven was the object of my travels today! Ours died! This one is Black n Decker, stainless steel...aaahh! (KMart has one that is enamel white for same price.)
My clothes detergent was on sale @ KMart. Arrival found none w/bleach(like I use), I found an associate,asked, got him looking...there were none! He was very helpful...allowed me to buy 100oz. for "old",non-sale price of 75oz.(my reg. size)....YEAH baby! So, I got +25oz. for $3.00 extra....guess the stars were "aligned" for me

Backstory - List of stops was: Publix for Lamar's med;Target for my Vit.D&Calcium combo; Staples to recycle ink cartridges;bank(need cash!);& WalMart for toaster/oven...WHEW! I'm tired just from writing   Ofcourse, whenever I'm near a Chic-Fil-A I MUST stop in and eat...YEAH! That was a yummy b'fast. LUV those mini-chick meals...
Now when I finally got to WalMart, Lamar called & said his "ordered" med was ready. Are you kiddin me???? I was about to get on my way home. Had to be @ Marc's to keep the grandkids bout l:30 and it was already 11:30 (I left home @ 8:30, oh yea). So, I apologized to Lamar and told him I wasNOT going back on the other end of town @ this point...I know, mean--maybe? Lamar excused my "gotta get home to rest" fit and agreed to pick up his med later this afternoon. Hallelujah! Thank goodness for a sweet, loving, understanding husband a 1000 x over!
I made it home with my "bargains" and all was good....until, I began having knee cramps...UGH. Somehow, I must have twisted my knee.
Was bothered w/that sucker all evening. Finally after doctorin w/blue ice AND Marc's "blue goo?"'s all better tonight.
As I've related in writin many times....I   HATE  shopping! Today makes me reaffirm that stance....So, I may be actively searchin for a "Personal Shopper" to do this runnin thing!!! I long ago gave up the urge or "need" to shop....forget this mess!! I'd rather be fishin....or anything else.........LOL
What a day!!!!!!!!!!!!!


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