
Showing posts from September, 2012

Family LOVE...

Today we had a bit of a "family" get-together. Not  your, talk, fun enjoyment! Lamar's brother &  nephew drove up from Flovilla to build a wheelchair ramp. We needed to have the ramp to get David in/out of the house. It is necessary for our Mon. trip to a Dr. w/David. Eric was here and he also helped build this ramp. It will still need a coat of paint and side piece "guard" so wheels won't "jump" off in transport. Eric has really been an immeasurable help to us since David joined our household. The discussions and actual building of the ramp took approx. 5hrs. or so. Marc, John and Eric did a fantastic job. We do so appreciate all 3 of them for this work.  Lamar discussing "how" to build it w/them Lamar w/the "hands" instructions!  3 "diggers" - hard @ work!  Marc & John making decisions...  Eric working...Marc & John figuring best way. FINISHED! I helped Eric "cl...

PRAISE to all things.

I'm sooo excited to give witness w/this beautiful, exciting story! This morning, I decided we had to purchase a bedside potty chair. Lamar is worn slap out, frm lifting & helping David to the bathroom. Into wheelchair, out of wheelchair, distance included! Long story short: Happened to call Ga. Extended Medical. They wanted $130 for a new one...ouch! (now this is God's part...) Jean stated, ck @ Goodwill, she thought she saw one in there a day or so earlier. So, I called....yes, they did have one, w/o  the bowl included. Goodwill says med. supply has those. K, so I called Jean  Yes, they have them...$8.00. (bowls usually fit any kind of chair) Went by Ga. Ext. Med., picked up bowl....on to Goodwill. Found the woman I talked to earlier. There it was....brand spankin NEW, never scratches or any form of damage or nasty! The bowl fits! (now, 2nd God's part!). Chair was priced first @ $5.95, then reduced....I bought this chair for.....$2.92 plu...

Age is an OXYMORON !!!!

Life is measured, by some, in pros and cons. Age is that, too. Pros - I'm happy to still be standing up, above the ground!! Enjoy my GRANDkids and all the love they offer. Am happy & blessed w/the bestest friends, a wonderful husband & family, too. I love my life @ this stage. I'm much less worried 'bout what people think, and much more assertive if I have something to say...I just SAY it...LOL  I truly am "comfortable in my skin".....well sort of...haha Cons - Today I had errands to run....WalMart (ugh!) and Lowe's. Well ....I left BOTH places w/an ugly reminder I was there!! Yes indeed....a bandaid on both arms, in almost the same spots! Grrrrrrrrrrrr Aging gracefully is truly an OXYMORON. The skin that has "protected" us all our paper thin, easy to "break"open and then..... BLOOD  goes's like a river running free....LOL   Oh, and it IS  embarrassing, too. So, I made a trip @ WalMart &...

FANTASY Shopping .... on a rainy day.

Decided to take a fantasy shopping trip! Rainy day, inside....why not? to Pinterest! Selected Gifts $500 up.....found a few "interesting" items: I do have to say....I might reconsider the" odd" dress!! It just caught my eye! I definitely would LOVE  the Stevie Nicks dress!! How'd I do on my fantasy shopping?????  LOL

BIRD stories....2 Parts

Sun. evening I was doing my usual bird watching. Accomplished 2 cute stories for ya.... I've been looking for the blk/white woodpecker for a while now. I didn't know his "name", until I saw him identified on a bird chart.(I was in Bowdon @ the dental clinic.) There he was, on that chart, pretty as I've seen him. His "name" is  HAIRY I've taken pics I know what to call him! I think he's beautiful! Part 2   Sometimes the camera catches cute moments, which we don't see totally w/the eye. This is  one of those. I noticed a Goldfinch, I think?, sitting near the birdhouse....on one of the arms. He didn't  seem to be in a hurry. Good for  me! There he is...NAPPING!!!! Sooooooo cute. Sometimes.....ya just get lucky. The camera catches awesome moments for us to enjoy. It was a gooooood "shot" day!!!!!!!


It has been a "game" played w/Doves here! Never seem able to "catch" them in one place @the same time. Ugh. This morning was my completion of this "game"...I WON! haha Normally, every time I go out the screen squeaks just enough to scare them off. They are verrrry sensitive to any noise. I was like Elmer Fudd verrry quiet! I did it. Got 'em..... *even got a Redbird as a bonus!!* Happy shootin Sun. mornin.  haha

Rev. SAM P. JONES & Rose Lawn

These two parts of the brochure explain a bit about Rev. Sam P. Jones.  I took the tour of his Victorian home and enjoyed the festival, too. One of the hostesses told us that the house across the road was where LOTTIE MOON lived. That was also very interesting to me. I remember Lottie Moon offerings being collected...when I was a young person. Who knew she was from Cartersville! Heck, I didn't even know about C'ville myself back then..LOL I enjoyed this tour. Wanted to go many times, and just never took the "time" to attend. It was a day well spent........... **pics are posted on FB**

BLONDE...oh yeah.

Was at State Patrol Drivers License post today. Waiting outside ....when there she was! This really pretty,BLONDE,  tall, long-legged, tan younger woman...dressed in pretty top and mini skirt... parked & walked into the building. I looked in right side rear view mirror at the car. This is how she parked... Who knew it takes 2 (TWO) parking spaces for such a small car!!!!!!!!!!!  LOL (She never looked back to check....and this is a very limited parking spaces lot. ) ...there you have my hahahaha moment for today! (never forget the camera....just for these documentations!!!!!!!!!!)

GARDEN Project -- Day 3 DONE!!

Worked Sun. and Mon. on my upgrade for the garden. Was unable to quite finish.....until TODAY! Yeah, it's done & I'm really pleased w/the new "look". Replaced, threw out and trashed old nasty stuff. Cleaned things I wanted to keep. Coats of paint for those that needed it. The process became quite labor-intensive....sore over body doesn't really describe how TIRED I got on this project. Heck.....shoveling, raking, painting, and then placement of items was hard work....LOL I enjoyed it. Eric did have to assist me w/the landscape timbers and he, sweetly, put up my front fencing. Plus, some of the ground "stick ins" were toooo hard for me, so he did those. Thank you, Eric. I KNOW this new upgrade will make my future pictures look much better. (I think about  that since I began taking pictures!)  I've been wanting to do this for quite some time. Things always kept me off the project.'s done, I'm pleased and I actually enjoyed the...

GRANDparents Day at School

Made another sweet memory today. Went to join my pixie girl for lunch and Book Fair. I really DID enjoy our visit, too. Sweetie came down the hall, saw me and, very excited!, GrandMa, GrandMa....all the time swinging her arms so I would notice her...LOL  Ofcourse, I had already spotted my sweet pixie girl! We had lunch together. The only thing I ordered was a Yahoo Choc. milk!! (no sch. food for me, please...LOL) And, I haven't had a Yahoo in years, so I treated myself. Off to the Book Fair.....she chose two books and one of those "fancy" pens w/the flower on top. Ofcourse, she's my kinda girl.....the pen is PURPLE. Mama says she likes her books, so maybe it was a successful trip. Took a few shots of her, ofcourse:    "horsing" round before lunch.... With friend, ready to eat....(MY Yahoo...LOL) GRANDma & our sweet pixie girl....  On into the Book Fair to purchase some fun reads...  Loved the hall "art"....really cute... her ...

GARDEN Project - Day 1

Today I began my garden project. It was clean- the- ground day to prep for addition of new items. Spent several (3 or more!)hours  working today on this. Step 1 -- Hoe. (NO, not me, working tool!! LOL)    Used hoe to chop down a large quantity of sunflower sprouts. Unfortunately, they rot & make mold in the heavy rains. On a sunny day, it's kin to removing pounds of seed-"patties". Smelly, 'bout 3" deep! That in turn is loaded by shovel into the wheelbarrow and dumped out of the way. I had 5 loads of the stinky mess!! Step 2  --  Rake. Then rake up the tons of leaves, and move them out of the way. I had already moved the timbers away for easy access to the outside. Note: before I began this process....I loaded & removed the old, moldy, broken pieces OUT of my garden. These went into the dumpster. (thankfully, we are able to keep the dumpster till next Friday.) Day 2 will be removing items still present, cleaning & repainting some piece...

Kitty QUOTE....Done!

Years ago, when I became interested in "crafty" things...this woman made a deep impression on me. HGTV, at that time, was covered w/home deco shows. I watched every day! Kitty's quote reads: "It's not what you don't have. It's what you do with what you do have". Kitty would take "unusable" household items, think "outside the box" and develop something useful and unique. As I sat on my newly- sided porch!, I began thinking how I hated that old wicker table we used! I had always wanted to paint & refresh the look, but it never got done. Ding. Lightbulb went off!!! I had bought Lamar a small stool to prop up his feet, while that boot was still on. It sometimes made his legs achy. I found it at one of the very few yard sales I caught this summer. Then....thought of the glass top I had kept for so longer in use. (it has been used in every room here @ one point in time!) So.....the stool + the glass  =  new porch t...

LOVE Birds ????

Sitting on the porch, yes I do that a lot!, watching the birds today. Saw 2 birds @ water pan, touching beaks! Ran for the camera......missed that! UGH. The two of them continued to get "close" to each other, follow closely, separate and then go back "together" ! Each one would continue to move to the left or right, then back again! In the pics, the Goldfinch seems to be "teasing", by looking away!! One is def a yellow Goldfinch, the other is a bit of a lime color, not sure if it  is also a type of finch, too. It was just cute & unusual, so I had to snap the story. Don't have a clue if they are "related", or if it is a he/she love thing!!  It  is interesting, whatever!! It was even kinda sweet...LOL Birds just fascinate me!!!!!!!! I enjoy watching them, and you can see many interactions that mimic human behavior............ Hope I was party to a "love story".....that's my take on it.

PRETTY Visitor !!

 Saw this butterfly while "walking" Ariel. 1st shot...wings closed.  2nd shot...almost there. Wait.....try again....  3rd time's the charm! Beautiful visitor...wings open. Went out on 2nd trip....nope, got wings closed again...UGH Then, it flew right toward my face & left. Guess it was tired of being the object of my curiousity!! Can't fathom what it found so interesting about an old dead branch!!!!!!! I  DID  enjoy the visit.....maybe I'll "catch" it again sometime.....ah, one can dream, right?  LOL