"MAGIC Woman", Maxine !!

Maxine returned home today. She was ready to see her family....esp. the Grands.
Maxine has an amazing "magic" growing/green thumb w/flowers. Her fav is roses, which she attends w/much TLC and hard work. The roses are always beautiful.
Quite a while ago, she was "house-bound" frm and injury. As a treat I brought her a Calla Lily house plant. Ofcourse, she loved it (thank goodness!) Later on, she planted it outside. It is really growing and becoming beautiful.

This pic I took Thurs. a week ago. Beginning to bloom.

She wandered up the walkway and hollered !! Look here!
Now she has a yellow & pink bloom on that same plant.!! This happened while she was away. What a great Surprise upon her return. :0
It also looks like 2 more blooms will soon pop out!
The original plant bloom was a limey-yellow color....now there's TECHNICOLORS.  Yeah!
Good job, Max....


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