The HAND of Love ....

Today's world of high-tech is accepted and ignored. So many traditions have gone by the wayside.....Yet, the "new" stuff has it's own value. It causes mixed emotions for us "older" kids!
Growing up, we were taught to HAND-write notes and letters. There is still nostalgia attached to those memories for me. Pen/Paper, personal communications. It was a joy for me and I do, at times, still hand write ----however, my penmanship has faltered and is a bit shakey!!
I received this precious, beautiful, hand-written letter today. Maxine.....She always is so thoughtful and sweet.
I almost cried! This is one piece of mail I will KEEP and TREASURE.
Somehow....I just don't find e-mails, FB and such  give me quite the same feeling! (Yes, I use them as tools, too.)
If you want a friend or anyone to feel SPECIAL.....take the time to HAND write your message. It will put a big ol SMILE on their faces!!! It will touch that "special place" in the heart, where only LOVE and appreciation reside.


  1. Awww, that is so sweet! I haven't received a letter from anybody but Larry in years. That was our only way to communicate during the week for so long. I love FB, texting and the internet but there's nothing like getting a handwritten letter in the mail. And the fact that somebody cares enough to sit down and write one! Maxine is a gem. Love you!!!


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