ON the "FLY"

Birds. Yes. My fascination is well-known by the tons of pictures I display!
Photo ops abound right out in my front yard. This "hobby" gives me much pleasure and enjoyment.
I am truly fascinated by the behavior of birds as they interact. Sometimes....it "resembles" our human daily behavior.
One big dove, chasing the others away from the feeding.....or, may be some kind of "love" ritual. I really don't know!
A "gang" of wrens will fight for perch on the feeders. There are many feeders, but they still tend to scrap over a particular place!
Seeing doves, loving by touching beaks. It's so sweet!
Following are some pics I took on Mon. after the rain stopped. There tends to be "gatherings" of the wrens and more on the "twin" feeders. It's a sight!

My particular fun is catching birds in flight, waiting for perches....
I know some get "tired" of seeing these bird pictures, I guess. But, FB is a place to express one's enjoyment....this is mine!!
It's hard for me to be bored w/all the fun & drama these birds provide! Entertainment is free!
Have a good day everyone.....
*note: The Goldfinch group has left (only 'bout 4 left) and a group of these grey wrens have shown up in abundance. Not as pretty, but big in numbers!!


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