Sitting on the porch.....sunlight made the yellow on the ground get my attention.
I like the way the sun was shining and "drew me out" to take a look.............
Walked out on porch this morning, enroute to my car. Noticed a bird, perched on the top of the screen door. Upon further inspection-----it was a BABY! It's lil feet firmly attached to the screen and backed up into the corner as tightly as possible! I tried thumping the screen to "shoo" him on...didn't work. Then, open & closed door...didn't work. It would just squeel sorta! and remain in place! I went on outside (w/camera, ofcourse) movement frm that attached stance. It's lil feet were firmly attached. I tried prodding gently w/broom handle....nothing! I knew it was a baby, it's lil eyes were only slightly open. Went back on porch and put on my softest gloves. Went out and gently removed it frm it's perch grip....boy did it fuss at me loudly! I know it was scared. Took the fella out and tried to place it on a bush limb. When I let flew....not well, but it did fly off. It came back toward higher branch & lit there. Aft...
I did soooo Love Paul Harvey. His stories were always so interesting.....and, he researched to bring a story to an often unknown ending. The "rest of the story" always let ya know.....the circle was closed on that topic for him. In that fashion....I wanted to do this blog. I love photography. I'm quite a happy amateur! Now, with Pinterest I get to see unlimited talent. This picture was one that "drew me in"....After I pinned it.....there were like 30+ other people who loved it too! This picture received the most pins on my boards. Just look at it....Never did try to track down the photographer. Only went as far as where the pin originated. Browsing pinterest boards is a fun pastime. I enjoy "following" pictures/quotes and such as far as I dare. In browsing.....I "fell into" a site. The photographer is TIMOTHY WALKER. A very eclectic range of photos. Behold! There was this picture among them. I gasped! (He has several other photos...
Isn't she beautiful? Such an ol' soul w/a very sweet spirit about her. This is a difficult blog to write....LIFEtime/Sista friend, and "Auntie" Evonne. It is one I must write for me. Tears already's still very raw. We spent so much quality time together thru our years. Friends, school chums, and then....she married my Uncle Herman. Wow! Now she was "legally" a member of our family. How wonderful! Our lives were so intertwined....and will always be that way. There simply is no way to express all we shared in this blog! Evonne SHARED so very much w/me. At the top....her dear Mother....Miss Louise. Miss Louise was a friend, mentor and 2nd mother. She treated me as her own daughter. I MISS her so very much, and now, I MISS Evonne, too. As Donnie SUCKS!! Evonne also SHARED her beautiful daughter--Bonnie, and her 2 grandkids. I am unable to clearly express the love and fun those 2 kids have brought to my life. All 3 of them w...
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