A Moment RETURNS to me........

Today, in the mail, I received a picture. It is of graduation, 1966 !! It's  meeeee!!
This "memory" was in good hands, all these years, with Alice Hall !!
I had recently posted to FB my only grad pic, for flashback. That was the the "bell" that went ringing for Alice!
She remembered ~~ Ami and Ginger were going thru her pictures to retrieve those they wanted to keep. They found this one, but were unsure, at the time, who that gal was in the picture.!
Alice recalled that "digging" session, looked and found this for me. !! (after seeing mine)  How  COOOOOL  is that!
That  IS  the moment, I was being handed my Diploma !!
Alice doesn't remember who took the pic....her or Rick.
Surprise ! Graduation day pic, returned to me.....WHO knew...LOL
Hey y'all ~~ you CAN see my hands in this one AND my HIGH heels, too.....hehehe
I'm soooooooooo  HAPPY  to have this picture.
I 'bout cried when I saw it......
THANK YOU, Alice, for "keeping" this safe all these years.
As Alice said  ~~  now I  have  TWO !!!!


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