WHATZ it ????? .....Mystery Solved !!

Since early morning, we've been hearing a helicopter. Sometimes we hear them, when there are bad wrecks on 75. This just kept on, and on, and on.......
So. Lamar had to put gas in the truck, asked if I wanted to ride along, and see if we could "spot" the helicopter. Well...duh. OFcourse!!
I spotted it quickly, on the "spur" road from our house!
Lamar pulled over, so I could get my pics. (he's so good to me..haha!)
 1st sighted...helicopter w/steel cable hangin down....
 ..just above the power lines
 ..hangin frm copter -- he's trimming trees !!

 ...further, you can see blades & copter together
 ...pilot be "hangin" his head out to watch blade !
 then....he came towards me!!
 ...Awesome sight!
 ..over my head, down left side of road
...blades sawin 'dem trees off !! Red truck, decided to turn around & leave the area !!
 ..best guess, 'bout  10 of 'dem Saw Blades, hangin frm a copter!!
Yep....he cleared the path thru there!!
A.Ma.Zing thing to watch....
(I had seen a red helicopter parked @ old Goodyear bldg. yesterday.....same one? Don't know!)


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