GOD's Grace....

I keep this picture stored in my download files. It is such a beautiful, sweet, reassuring  picture. Don't you just LOVE that beautiful smile! It says to me, everything is going to be okay, my child.
Today I traveled a most worrisome road. This was a "recheck" mammo.....for some "micro" thing they found in April. Stress doesn't cover my emotions....ever since they called Fri. to "remind" me of my appointment!
I had managed, with all that's going on in our lives these days, to put this lil "trip" waaaaay back out of my mind. Didn't dwell on it, think about it, or talk about it! That's how I move along....LOL
I was taking deep breaths, knots in my stomach as I walked into the building. Well, dang, it IS scary..... knowing our family history and all.
Before I got out of the car, I prayed....again. I asked for strength to get thru whatever I might face. And, not at all ashamed, I asked for this "thing" to be gone! Hey, you don't ask....you never receive. Truth.I believe nothing is too small or too big for God to handle.
Blah, blah....went thru the mammo. Yes, and ouch, one of the "positions" DID hurt....lol  The tech left to take pics to radiologist. Seems that took forevers! When she came back in......she told me I could get dressed and go home. YEAH! Thank you, Jesus.
Now.....not only was I ok, but this "thing" had actually SHRANK frm the last picture. A.Ma.Zing.
Ok....you now know......it has been a happy day for me.
I cried, after the office door was closed behind me.....and yes, they were tears of JOY.
I believe....and I always WILL believe in the power of heartfelt prayers.
Worst case scenario......if the news had been worse, I do KNOW.....if God brings you to it, He will bring you through it.


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