The DRAW of the BLADES...

Men, boys....all ages.
A good piece of today (Thanksgiving) was spent by our men gathered 'round the kitchen table. Handling, perusing, discussing, and generally mesmerized by a collection of knives !!
An onset of "hobby" for Donnie is buying/selling knives! Pam says that she hopes it will soon be over...haha  (Donnie has had her "hawkin" them, too!  Apparently, Pam sells MORE than he does, and faster!)
Now I must admit....there was one I liked! Lamar surprised me w/it when we got home..LOL  Now, what will I do w/a knife....except CUT myself. Oh my lawd!!

Pam was overseeing the "sales"....hehehe 
It was definitely a "new" joining of male minds!!
(by the way....mine is one w/an Eagle head...yes.)


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