the "REST OF THE STORY"......

I did soooo Love Paul Harvey. His stories were always so interesting.....and, he researched to bring a story to an often unknown ending. The "rest of the story" always let ya know.....the circle was closed on that topic for him.
In that fashion....I wanted to do this blog.
I love photography. I'm quite a happy amateur! Now, with Pinterest I get to see unlimited talent.
This picture was one that "drew me in"....After I pinned it.....there were like 30+ other people who loved it too! This picture received the most pins on my boards.
Just look at it....Never did try to track down the photographer. Only went as far as where the pin originated.
Browsing pinterest boards is a fun pastime. I enjoy "following" pictures/quotes and such as far as I dare.
In browsing.....I "fell into" a site. The photographer is
TIMOTHY WALKER. A very eclectic range of photos.
Behold! There was this picture among them. I gasped!
(He has several other photos w/a similar "set up".)
I found myself not so drawn in by all of his photos, like I was the one above. However, they are interesting.
What are the odds this could happen??
Well, Paul Harvey knew......if you do the work, you'll  always find......."the rest of the story"!!!  lol 


  1. That's pretty cool! I haven't gotten into browsing much on Pinterest. Just scanning the folks I follow. Maybe I should! I loved Paul Harvey, too. I LOVED his voice. It was very comforting on my way to work in the mornings when I worked in Americus. Love you!


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