
Showing posts from 2013

HAPPY Birthday .... GLORIA Stonehart

Hoping you have a very  HAPPY Birthday. We've been BFFs all our lives. We've traveled on the road of life, separately, but always together in the heart. I value our friendship --it is holding fast w/the passage of time and distance. You are a most wonderful FRIEND. We've been through some happy times, FUN, sad ones and we're both still here! (even w/our "wisdom highlights"!!) I look forward to many more memories. GOD bless you on your SPECIAL day. I LOVE ya, girlFRIEND.  ((HUGS))

SPIRIT.....sorta !!!

Spent a couple of days, chasing the secular part of the Christmas spirit. Clean, dust, remove and then add the stuff ya want to show. It's truly a back-breakin process...I have to use a ladder in most places!! (yea, ya can stop voicing the "short" jokes in ya head now...!!  LOL) I have found this a most difficult endeavor for the past few years. At my age (yea, I know...older!!), there is the obvious absence of KIDS. Empty-nest syndrome sucks on holidays---more than other times. It's even harder since the local GRANDS have gotten older. They wanna be home, NOT @ GrandMa's house. (We sometimes go there, just to be a small part of their Christmas.) It's an awesome type of "lonely" -- missing the excitement of children on Christmas morning! Unable to be a real "part" of that fun anymore! Anyway. I made some small attempts.! Just don't have the "heart" for decorating these days!  Welcome MUST have Jingle Bells.... ...

MAXINE'S Poem.......

Y'all know this woman. She is a BFF/2nd Mama/Mentor since 1981. I can't tell ya how Much I LOVE this woman. Tonight, as we were talking---she said, I wrote a poem today. You wanna hear it? Ofcourse, I told her, so she recited her ORIGINAL poem for me. (Now---you do understand, we two are on the "same wave lengths" at our ages!!! So this is TRUE of me, too.) the poem: I don't like to COOK, COOK, COOK I don't like to clean, clean, clean....but I DO like to go to my computer and LOOK, LOOK, LOOK!! Y'all I 'bout fell OUT of my chair laughing!!!!!!!!!!(and just barely missed a pottie run!!!!) Maxine and I are so much "alike" sometimes, it smells into the distance.!!!!!!   LMAO I hope I did your Poem justice, Maxine. :)


Most colored leaves have fallen by now. Today I noticed a few lying about in the front....against the dark brown forest floor, they sometimes show off!! I like the way leaves vary in shape....interesting how each one can look slightly different! Yep. It stopped raining just long enough to get OUTside the house!! Have a good day everyone.....:)

NAPKIN Trivia ...

We ate subs tonight. LUV 'em! My biggest kick is the Italian Herbs & Cheese bread...then top it off w/Macadamia cookies. Yummmmeeee. While consuming all this goodness...I began to "read" the napkin. Well, eating is boring sometimes...LOL Did ya know: Subway is owned by: Doctor's Associates Inc. I didn't. NEVAH  read the napkin before tonight...haha So. I wondered....was that just a co. name, or were real doctors involved? Goggle wins again. So, there it is. It  IS  owned by Doctors. Who knew? Above is story of how it all began Ok. Now we are all better informed.....simply because of a lil white napkin.!!!!!!!!!!! Ginger will LOVE this: The NAPKINS  are 100% recycled fiber Processed chlorine free & printed w/WATER based inks (w/notice - Please recycle or Compost this napkin). So there is... the rest of the story!!! {consider yoself entertained..hahahaha. I was!!}

Thanksgiving FUNNIES!!

Today is Thanksgiving. Our family got together @ Donnie's today and enjoyed great food, laughter, love and some funny moments. Summer says I'm a papparazi....So I told her to wave! but instead she just made a "face" @ me.!!( She & Josh went to the store.) She'll have a fit when she sees this one...LOL Donnie didn't want a 2nd he SHOT me double birdies!! Walter Smith, Jr. should have been his name!! Austin....he was swinging & clapping his hands. I LOVED his really is cute. He said it's warm! ..the Parking lot...LOL  *and there's 2 to the left not in the pic* It seems to "grow" each year. We were blessed to have Bonnie, Jr., Summer and Draven join us. My heart was filled & overflowing.... It was a very  HAPPY Thanksgiving.  (and a lil FUN never hurts!!)  LOL

AROUND the Mountain....yet again !!

Yellow means CAUTION.....Sorry. I'm years past that! Joyce Meyer states in sermons.....IF you don't learn from can go 'round that mountain until you do! The last few days, I've been 'round that mountain. It's not healthy to be so loving of any THING. I know that. Facebook has opened a "new" world for me. Retirement is truly a new lifestyle! I find myself w/monthly business,  running errands to keep this life going (groceries and such), and whatever comes up----we handle. When that's done....I do rely on my retired-life routine. Heavily am a "creature of habit"!! Get up @ 7am, take my BP med, go for the caffine (my TEA), take Ariel for her morning walk......then it's MY time to say  hello to my world.!! Yep. Hit the Facebook. Read the news, weather.Ck on Pinterest! I find much enjoyment in FB---being able to communicate socially w/friends and family. It brings me JOY. Yep. I'm hooked, lined and sunk...LOL...

HAPPY Birthday.....BARBARA Ooooooo !!

Today is the birthday of a very dear Sista/FRIEND, Barbara Opal. We have been "heart" Friends since 1981. This woman took a scared, south Ga. country girl under her loving wings and changed my life. (I met Barbara after I began working @ Kennesaw College.) Barbara is a very sweet, loving, "free spirit" who taught me that those qualities are good ones! I also am lucky to have met and LOVE her family. Her friendship gave me grow and become more than I ever dreamed possible. We don't physically see each other much these days....but, that special place in my heart, will always be filled w/memories of  FUN, laughter, and moments we spent together.  Gatlinburg, Tenn. trip ..  A weekend  we worked together in her B&B, Newnan..  Panama City trip .. Barbara MADE this throw for me..notice it's PURPLE!! These are just a few pictures I found. Fond memories of trippin we did together. !! We shared and have celebrated many birthdays, s...

Anemia KNOCK DOWN....!!

Some time has passed since Lamar was diagnosed w/Anemia. It was a bit of a shocker, at the time.  His Gastro Doc put him on Iron, took away Aspirin and Fish Oil --which had apparently caused the Anemia !! Things are getting much better. Lamar is "doing" things and is more active lately. Thank you, Jesus, for this healing process. Lamar is walking Ariel more, sleeping less(there are times he poops out & rests in the daytime--Lamar is up/down thru the night!). He is "shopping" and I see signs---of a more productive day. This is today. Proof POSITIVE that Lamar is feeling a bit more energetic!! It's been many moons since he's done any outside work. Today....he's put brake pads on Right side of truck. Lamar told me(I had no clue!) he installed the Left side last Sat. (I was in Rome w/Maxine).!! Yep. Lamar figured it out --he got himself a Chair to sit in while doing the work. SMART move! This gives him a way to "stick to it" until it'...


I'm seeing many Facebook list something you're thankful for each day in November. I am not reasoning: EVERY morning, during my day, and at night....I give thanks to GOD for EVERYthing. (At my present's like breathing.) November -- Thanksgiving Day -- "a public acknowledgement or celebration of divine goodness".  "Public" thanks for blessings, is a good exercise.  I believe that an ATTITUDE of Gratitude should be included, and lived, every day. Now. I feel better. !! In a very personal a life of Gratitude means  acknowledgement, to GOD,  that I know ....GOD is good all the time. Happy THANKSGIVING to one and all...

I BEAT the "ODDS"....

All of you know my b'day was the 17th of Oct. Also, on that day....we lost our beloved Evonne. It truly was a roller- coaster- ride of a day. So much happened so quickly. I did celebrate, then that weekend we went "home". There wasn't much time to absorb/accept my b'day....or enjoy all my sweet, beautiful b'day cards. Our "tradition" (Lamar & me), is to "showcase" them on our shelf, above the tv. I did place them there. Today... I read them again, and totally enjoyed each one. Then, I removed them from the "place of honor". Moving on.... I had told Maxine that I had received 2 cards w/the same "theme/narrative", but thought they were different "fronts". NO> There are 2 which are EXactly the same fronts and narrative ---but from 2 DIFferent friends!!!! Who'd a thunk? WHAT are the "odds" of that happening? I already KNOW how BLESSED I am to have such wonderful, loving, loyal Friend...

....Just TELL it !!

Yep. That's him! Together 30+ yrs., and he is still very UNpredictable, funny, and very loving. Tonight. Lamar made his Famous cornbread, to eat w/our pinto beans. Yummeeee. After supper was finished....we relocated to the porch. I saw him putting away something, so I "assumed" he was getting everything into the frig that needed to be there. Nope. When I went in a bit later---there sat, on the counter, the butter tub, pickles and beets. Food still out. Honey, please! Lamar quickly zip-bagged his Onions....and left EVERYthing else.....that's the way he rolls! LMAO Backstory....he drove to a store & picked up Onions, he was out! Guess he felt like, I had to go get the Onions, so they go IN the frig....LOL We had a really GOOD haha over that one!! 2nd story -- Loving. While I had gone w/Max to visit her brother in Rome, Lamar : washed a few pots & put them away, UNloaded the dishwasher--put in dirties, AND boiled Tea for us. Yep. That's the way he r...

SPECIAL Request....Granted !!

ANYone who has eaten Lamar's biscuits is a true fan!! Maxine likes ham n biscuits, on occasion, for b'fast. So. Lamar had cooked ham yesterday mornin. I told him Max might like a biscuit... We asked....Max said, yes, she'd get a biscuit in a while.(too busy drinking her coffee @ that moment!) Lamar, what a man!, went in, cooked a BIG pan of biscuits. So. Maxine had her 1 and 1/2 biscuits w/ham this mornin for her breakfast. She was one happy woman....LOL  yep. They taste 100x better than they even look! Yummmy Ready for that first bite....!!! Lamar "made" Maxine's day ----literally.  LOL

It's the SMALL things....and Surprise !!

Maxine is now w/us....went to 'Bama and got her Thurs. Looking forward to having some fun, and trippin w/her to visit family in Georgia. Several weeks ago, I hit the gold @ the end of the rainbow for her! Y.S. woman was selling some CDs....found Maxine 6 (SIX) Gaither cds. !! Max loves her gospel music and I knew this was a "good" find. It was extreeeemly hard not to tell her, but I wanted to see her receive them in person. GOOD decision --  She's got the "bag"....she sees cds  HA! A bit surprised, ya think!! Now....reading titles What a response! Life is full of opportunities----just do the small stuff. You CAN give happiness, joy and fun in very simple ways. LOVE me some Maxine....LOL

MEMORIES.....of Evonne

Isn't she beautiful? Such an ol' soul w/a very sweet spirit about her. This is a difficult blog to write....LIFEtime/Sista friend, and "Auntie" Evonne. It is one I must write for me. Tears already's still very raw. We spent so much quality time together thru our years. Friends, school chums, and then....she married my Uncle Herman. Wow! Now she was "legally" a member of our family. How wonderful! Our lives were so intertwined....and will always be that way. There  simply is no way to express all we shared in this blog! Evonne SHARED so very much w/me. At the top....her dear Mother....Miss Louise. Miss Louise was a friend, mentor and 2nd mother. She treated me as her own daughter. I MISS her so very much, and now, I MISS Evonne, too. As Donnie SUCKS!! Evonne also SHARED her beautiful daughter--Bonnie, and her 2 grandkids. I am unable to clearly express the love and fun those 2 kids have brought to my life. All 3 of them w...

C O T T O N balls !!

This is how they "bale" cotton down south now ....  now that's a COTTON ball y'all !!  others in the field NEAT-O !!

Encounter w/ROMANIA !!!

Sat. as we were leaving our exit to travel south.....Lamar then!! told me there were Wildflowers on our exit. DUH. I wanted to stop right then....but he was having none of that mess! So. Drove up there today to view for myself and take pics. They are the same as were planted before, only @ our Main St. ext. Took a few shots, then drove to next ext. and came back up on opposite side. There was an 18-wheeler parked, so I went on up 'bout 25ft. frm it. Was out taking pics....when this nice looking, young man(the truck driver) ran up and asked me to take a couple w/flowers as background behind him......on his phone. Well. I kept getting my finger on the camera!! Ha. I don't know nothin 'bout these new cameras or the "trendy" phones!! I'm 65....I call out and answer calls. That's it. Finally got it done, w/his patient instructions. He thanked me....I asked where he was from, he said Canada. I remarked that his accent seemed "heavier"....Then h...

EYES on Evonne.....Visual memories

Picking thru pics frm the past....of sweet Evonne.  Train trip. Cordele to Americus...(this is Plains)  ...happy on the train ride.  All beautiful in her Sunday best... Cracker Barrel outing...  ..make-up time... Cracker Barrel.... Many memories and stories have no pictures. They are all stored in my heart forever.