Blessings Daily 11

FIZZLE OUT! That is a very good blessing today.
Bad weather didn't torment us today, as predicted it might...we did have gusty WINDS w/sideways rain for a bit. That certainly was unsettling enough w/o tornado sirens going off!
We even managed to have some beautiful sunshine off/on during the day. IT was a pleasant, welcomed sight, too.
Why so uptight w/weather? It began in my very young childhood. I remember vividly being awakened in pitch black dark, early a.m. hours by my Daddy. Wrapped up as best they could, out of the house, into a vehicle and transported approx. 1mi. to my Granddaddy's house! Now, ofcourse this is DURING the storm, too. It's a memory hard to release in the mind, even of an adult.
Back then, we lived in a less than sturdy, small house with a tin roof...Daddy felt we would be much safer w/Granddaddy. Theirs was a big house, but built much  in the same fashion. Go figure...I never did understand. Guess Daddy didn't like bad weather and wanted to protect us.
Daddy would always "walk the floors" during bad weather....and I  DO  that, too! I tried to control myself and not do that to my sons...think maybe I succeeded in hiding my fear somewhat! Now they are grown men, they see my fears spill over w/every bad weather forecast....oh well, it's 63yrs. worth of "dread" built up, and I find it hard not to be concerned...especially as an adult knowing the damage that can be done by these "super cells".
My mind KNOWS I can't control the weather. That knowledge still does little for the "weather nerves".
Pray for protection and be alert....that's the best I can do to handle this confusion.
There will be more storms, I know....I just try to handle/survive 1 at the time.....
Stay safe all......


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