Blessings Daily 15

COMPUTER. The journey into cyber-world has changed my life!
It truly DOES connect you to people you love, acquaintances new/old, expands education, brings joy thru games(alone & shared w/friends), listening pleasure thru any music that you enjoy. It is still so much more than I can express.
Retired sometimes can mean "lonely" to an extent. Full-time home life is sooooo different than the interactions while in the work force. 
I really never get depressed....there's always SOMEWHERE to go in the cyber-world to be cheered and know  you are NOT alone at all. 
I'm addicted to certain things(as are many who have computers) which bring me pleasure. 
So, a computer is a blessing to me. Sometimes, I think it's the DEVIL...always battling for my
I learned early to get the work done, errands completed and then....the REWARD is  computer time!!!
It becomes as any other hobby....enjoy,leave and come back to it again later. Older friends are also finding a computer to enjoy. It's a blessing of a "different" sort, I guess. Time seems to pass quickly when cyber-world is "on"!!! 
I recommend this particular technology to any baby-boomer or retired person out there needing a "place to go" and something to do!
Blessings are a very personal recognition of things in our lives....I am very blessed and I do so LUV my computer....LOL
Happy computing all..........:)))


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