Blessings Daily 22

EARS. God has blessed us w/2 good ears.
Ear - organ of hearing; give an ear...a "person who listens", according to the dictionary.
Ears promote loving relationships...if, we listen. To have a friend, you must BE a friend.
Today I am thankful that I can be still, listen and come to some workable closure to today's problem. Listening/hearing is what it took in this case.

I've only been a home computer patron a few short years now. My basic, learn-by-doing knowledge is all I have to offer. I'm so far away from being computer literate....even now!
Today Maxine called, frantic....she had (as we all have @ some point) gotten "lost" in this cyber world! I could HEAR frustration in her voice. 
We began the process of questions/answers about what she actually saw on the screen. This lead me to feel that she simply had not "x-d" out of a screen before attempting another page. Then, she wound up w/lots of "junk"....both sm. window & full-page windows, sort of "stacking up" on her.
It only took a brief time, and bingo, she was back to the desktop. Thankfully, I was able to "talk" her thru it.
Dang! It's really hard to assist someone w/o actually seeing what's happening on her screen! My ears were the best tool I possessed----certainly not my expertise...LOL   By using my ears to the best of my ability, we were able to "move her along".
So....I'm very thankful and it IS a blessing to be equipped w/EARS. There's no other way I could have helped her-----she's in Alabama, I'm in Georgia.
*this time....we made it thru the tunnel to the light!!*
Oh, and thankfully----I DO have back-up on being "lost" myself! Eric is a teckie guy and helps me and would also assist Maxine, if we need to "shout out".....


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